Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Coalville
Contact: Democratic Services 01530 454512
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Black. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor J Geary declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 6 – Capital Projects Update as a regular supporter of Coalville Town Football Club, a founder member of Mantle Lane Art and a Director for the Springboard Centre.
Councillor J Legrys declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 4 – Presentation from the Friends of Coalville Park, as he attends meetings of the group; however, he was not a voting member. He also declared a non-pecuniary interest in any reference to Hermitage FM due to his voluntary involvement with the organisation.
Councillor M B Wyatt declared a non-pecuniary interest in any reference to Coalville Town Centre as a business owner.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 209 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2019. Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2019.
Councillor J Geary requested that Coalville in Bloom be placed on the next agenda as an item rather than be included in the update report.
It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by Councillor M B Wyatt and
The minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Presentation from The Friends of Coalville Park Minutes: A presentation regarding recent activities and future plans for Coalville Park was given by Mr A Sipika, Ms S Ramp and Ms A Shepherd, members of the Friends of Coalville Park community group.
Members congratulated the group on what had been achieved to date and the amount of enthusiasm shown for the park. They were also pleased with the sensory garden and the vision for a new play area, which linked to the heritage of the area. The Cultural Services Team Manager reported that recent discussions with the Royal British Legion had led to high interest in the sensory garden proposals and they would like to assist in moving it forward.
Members did not speak in favour of the proposals to develop the field off Victoria Road due to its current use for parking during the picnic in the park event. There was also the possibility that other large events could be programmed in the future and therefore it was important that the space be available. The Cultural Services Team Manager agreed that it was important to keep open space available for events but appreciated that this was only a small number of days each year. Therefore, she would speak to the Parks and Open Space Team Manager to understand the needs of the park so that perhaps a balance could be agreed for the use of the field.
In response to a question regarding the children’s safety on the proposed larger play equipment, Ms S Ramp explained that appropriate safety flooring would be installed and the Grounds Maintenance Team were on site with trained first aiders. She added that the park would continue to be locked up at night and CCTV would be installed.
Councillor J Legrys asked that the results of the recent survey undertaken at Picnic in the Park be circulated to Members.
The Chairman was reluctant to promise funds for the annual maintenance of the new play equipment as budgets were limited and there were many more projects to be supported throughout the year. The Cultural Services Team Manager was aware that there was an annual figure for maintenance of the park and she would look into what could be done going forward to support it.
The Chairman thanked the Friends of Coalville Park for their attendance and presentation.
Report of the Cultural Services Team Manager Minutes: The Cultural Services Team Manager presented the report to Members.
The Chairman passed on complaints from businesses in Coalville in relation to the footfall being drawn to only one part of the town during the Christmas event. He stressed the importance of engaging local businesses in future years and incorporating the event into other areas of the town.
The majority of Members gave positive feedback on the Christmas event but there were some complaints regarding the fireworks. The overall feeling was that the fireworks were too loud for such a residential area and it was disturbing for children and animals. There was a suggestion put forward for a laser light show rather than fireworks and Members were informed that this option was already being investigated by officers.
Members noted that the condition of some of the Christmas lights were poor and there was also some issues with vandalism, the Chairman reported that he had started the ball rolling with gaining funding for some replacements. Councillor J Geary commented on the artificial tree structure made out of lights in Hugglecote as it was very nice. He suggested that this kind of alternative be looked into for Marlborough Square in future, as the tree was disappointing this year.
Councillor E Allman enjoyed the event and received good feedback, however, he was disappointed that businesses were not open. He stressed the importance of engaging local businesses in the future.
The Cultural Services Team Manager reported that the window dressing and reindeer trail around Coalville shops was very successful this year with approximately 50 businesses taking part. Regarding the use of other areas, it was made clear that public safety was paramount and with such a large pedestrianised area available, it was preferable than using streets adjoining highways. The Chairman commented that other areas in the district closed roads during Christmas events to make the use of highways safe for the public, he asked for costings for the this option to be made available.
Councillor A Bridgen suggested a parade led by a band for future Christmas events as in his experience, this type of activity attracted crowds.
Regarding the future events programme, Councillor J Geary suggested a Halloween event as he had seen a great community celebration on a recent holiday. He believed this would take young people away from knocking on doors and celebrating all together as a community. A number of Members supported this suggestion and put forward Coalville Park as a suitable venue. The Cultural Services Team Manager explained that there was limited resources to run the events programme, but would look into the option.
It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by J Legrys and
a) The progress update on the 2019/20 events be noted.
b) The 2020/21 proposed event programme be noted.
c) The progress update on Christmas lights be noted.
d) The progress update on 2019/20 grant scheme be noted.
At the conclusion of the item, at 7.45pm, Councillor J Geary left the meeting. ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
Capital Projects Update PDF 361 KB Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Economic Regeneration updated Members on the progress of the 2019/20 Capital Projects as detailed in the report.
Coalville in Bloom The Chairman provided an update further to the report. The areas being considered for hanging baskets were High street and Hotel Street, and the cost to businesses would be £30. Members supported the recommendation to cabinet for the £5,000 budget allocation required for the project.
Scotlands Bowls Pavilion Following a question from Councillor E Allman, it was reported that a younger group was now interested in regenerating the sport in the area, as well as interest from other sporting groups to share the changing facilities.
Trees in Coalville The Chairman asked Members to put forward any suggested areas for tree planting. It was agreed that the contact details for the relevant officer working on the project be circulated to Members.
Wildflower planting on Grass Verges Councillor J Legrys suggested the creation of a community group to maintain the wildflowers, as he was aware that there would be a cost involved for officers.
Lillehammer Drive Councillor J Legrys wanted to see progress before spring because once bird-nesting season began work would be halted.
By affirmation of the meeting it was
a) The progress update on the 2019/20 Capital Projects be noted.
b) The delivery of the five-year asset management schedule at appendix A be supported.
Cabinet allocate £5,000 as a budget proposal for 2020/21 towards Coalville in Bloom 2020.
Coalville Special Expenses Finance Update PDF 586 KB Report of the Head of Economic Regeneration Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Economic Regeneration presented the report to Members.
Following a lengthy discussion regarding the recommendation to cabinet to increase the special expenses council tax precept, Members expressed concerns and were not prepared to support it. They felt strongly that an increase should not be made to fill a gap in funding and other options to increase income streams should be investigated first.
In response to a question from Councillor E Allman in relation to projections in council tax due to new builds, the Head of Economic Regeneration agreed to provide a breakdown of figures outside of the meeting.
It was moved by Councillor M B Wyatt, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and
The report be noted and the comments from the working party be presented to cabinet when considering the budget proposals for 2020/21. |
Councillor J Geary left the meeting at 7.45pm |