Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Coalville
Contact: Democratic Services 01530 454512
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman For Ensuing Year Minutes: Councillor M French moved that Councillor M B Wyatt be appointed as Chairman for the ensuing year. It was seconded by Councillor A Black.
Councillor M B Wyatt be appointed as Chairman for the ensuing year.
Appointment of Deputy Chairman for Ensuing Year Minutes: Councillor J Legrys moved that Councillor E Allman be appointed as Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year. It was seconded by Councillor D Everitt.
Councillor E Allman be appointed as Chairman for the ensuing year.
Apologies For Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor J Geary declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7 – Capital Projects Update as a regular supporter of Coalville Town Football Club, a founder member of Mantle Lane Arts and a Director for the Springboard Centre.
Councillor J Legrys declared a non-pecuniary interest in any reference to Hermitage FM due to his voluntary involvement with the organisation. In addition, during discussion he declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7 – Capital Projects as a non-elected member of the Friends of Coalville Park Group.
Councillor M B Wyatt declared a non-pecuniary interest in any reference to Colaville Town Centre as a business owner.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2019 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2019.
It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by Councillor M B Wyatt and
The minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Report of the Cultural Services Team Manager Minutes: The Cultural Services Team Manager presented the report, highlighting to Members the next meeting of the Events Sub Group on Tuesday 17 September at 5pm.
Following a discussion it was agreed to formalise the Events Sub Group and appoint the following five Members to it:
Councillor E Allman Councillor A Black Councillor D Everitt Councillor M French Councillor M B Wyatt
Coalville May Fair Councillor J Legrys reported that he had received a written complaint, along with a number of verbal complaints regarding the noise of the event.
Councillor M B Wyatt reported that overall, the feedback regarding the event was very positive; the only concern was that due to the noise it was too much having the event over two weekends. The Cultural Services Team Manager explained that it was the operator’s preference to hold the event over two weekends due to the commercial benefit.
Councillor D Everitt reported that the comments he had received were also positive and the event was enjoyed by many.
The Cultural Services Team Manager reported that the feedback from social media was positive and that the Environmental Protection Team had not received any direct complaints regarding the noise levels. However, she noted the noise concerns and would ensure the levels were monitored next year.
Christmas in Coalville Councillor M B Wyatt presented information to Members regarding a supplier of solar powered Christmas trees for hire that could be attached to the hanging basket brackets that were currently installed around the town centre. He moved that officers look into the feasibility of hiring these additional decorations, and to allocate an additional £2,000 to the Christmas light budget to fund it. It was seconded by Councillor M French.
Following a question from Councillor J Geary, Councillor M B Wyatt stressed that the idea was to hire the decorations not to purchase. He added that if they were a success then it could be budgeted for in future years.
a) The progress update on 2019/20 events be noted.
b) Councillors E Allman, A Black, D Everitt, M French and M B Wyatt be appointed to the Events Sub Group.
c) Officers look into the feasibility of hiring Christmas decorations from Plantscape.
d) The date for Music and Picnic in the Park be set as Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 June 2020.
e) £2,000 be allocated from Coalville special expenses to the Christmas light budget to fund additional decorations if feasible.
Capital Projects Update Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager Minutes: The Head of Economic Regeneration presented the report to Members and provided an update on the ongoing projects.
Coalville Forest Adventure Park Councillor J Geary expressed concerns regarding the significant increase in anti-social behaviour and asked if there had been any damage to the play equipment. The Head of Economic Regeneration explained that the anti-social behaviour was mainly related to the consumption of alcohol on the park, which had resulted in broken glass, and graffiti on the equipment. Officers were working with the Safer Stronger Communities team and the police to mitigate the issues. It was confirmed that any paint on the equipment had been removed.
Melrose Road Play Hub Councillor D Everitt asked for confirmation that the Permissive Footpath Agreement would include the steps as well as the actual footpath as there was no mention of them in the report. The Head of Economic Regeneration agreed to provide confirmation outside of the meeting, as he did not have the information to hand.
Coalville Park Green Councillors M B Wyatt, J Geary and J Legrys expressed concerns regarding the proposals to extend the park into the adjoining field, as it would restrict what could be done in area in the future. It also provided a buffer between the park and residential area. Councillor M B Wyatt felt it would be beneficial for the Friends of Coalville Park Group to attend the Working Party to discuss the future direction of the park. Councillor J Legrys commented that as an attendee of the Friends of Coalville Park Group, there was a great deal of pressure from parents to upgrade the park and have play equipment on the field. However, he did share residents’ concerns about possible anti-social behaviour and therefore the final decision would be a difficult one.
Lillehammer Drive Councillor J Legrys thanked officers for their ongoing efforts on the project as they had worked very hard to get to the current position. He reported that at a local meeting between the school and residents, the consensus was that the school should take over the responsibility of the land, which would mean that it could be properly regulated. He accepted that there would be a cost for legal fees but he was in support of the recommendation to Cabinet. Councillor M B Wyatt reiterated his concerns regarding the possible extension into the field at the rear of this site as it was mentioned as an option for the Section 106 funding. Councillor J Geary requested a site visit for Members. It was agreed for the Leisure Services Team Manager to arrange.
London Road Closed Cemetery Councillor M B Wyatt commented that he had visited the cemetery and was pleased with the quality of the equipment. He stressed the importance of making sure everyone within the cemetery was represented on the notice board. The Head of Economic Regeneration assured Members that the notice board design would be presented to the Working Party before it was installed.
Coalville Floral Displays 2019 In response ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Coalville Special Expenses Finance Update Final Outturn 2018/19 Report of the Head of Community Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Economic Regeneration presented the report to Members.
Councillor M B Wyatt moved that an additional £5,000 be allocated to the events budget to allow for more events in the town centre. He clarified that it was not necessarily the intention to spend the full amount but it be available if needed. It was seconded by Councillor J Geary.
In response to a question from the Cultural Services Team Manager, Councillor M B Wyatt stated that the additional funds was to cover officer time as well as the events.
Councillor J Legrys had no objections to the proposal but requested that ideas for events be discussed fully by Members before a decision was taken. He also requested that events be organised for other parts of the special expense area as well as Coalville town centre. Councillor M B Wyatt felt strongly that the focus should be on Coalville town centre as that was what had been requested by the public.
The Cultural Services Team Manager expressed concerns that the process would be slowed down considerably if reports had to be considered by Members before being actioned. Therefore, she believed it would be more beneficial for officers to have more scope to organise and deliver any additional events without waiting for approval. Councillor M B Wyatt suggested that the Event Sub Group be used as a mechanism to discuss proposals for events rather than waiting for the working party to meet. The Cultural Services Team Manager agreed.
The final outturn for 2018/19 be noted.
Cabinet allocate an additional £5,000 from Coalville special expenses to the events budget to allow for additional events.
Following the conclusion of the item, in response to a request from Councillor M B Wyatt, the Head of Legal and Commercial Services advised against adding ‘Any Other Business’ to future agendas as it was important not to lose focus on the working party’s scope under its terms of reference. This was not the forum to raise ward issues.
Councillor M B Wyatt raised the idea of instigating a community governance review so that the special expenses area could become a parish council; he felt that a sub group could discuss the matter further. Members were in support of the proposal. . The Head of Legal and Commercial Services reminded Members that the matter was not within the scope of the working group; however, she advised that a community governance review could be instigated through a motion at Council or by a petition from local residents. She suggested that members meet outside of the meeting amongst the groups to discuss whether to take the matter forward.