Agenda and minutes

Venue: Board Room, Council Offices, Coalville

Contact: Democratic Services  01530 454512

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Declarations of Interest


Councillor J Geary declared non pecuniary interests in item 5 – Capital projects update as a regular supporter of Coalville Town FC, a founder member of Mantle Lane Arts and a member of Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Field Association


Councillor J Legrys declared a non pecuniary interest in any reference to Hermitage FM due to his involvement with the organisation. Councillor J Legrys then sought advice if he was to leave the meeting during the discussion on item 4 as he would be involved in an event prior to Picnic in the Park.


The Head of Community Services advised that it would not be an interest.


Councillor M B Wyatt declared a pecuniary interest in item 4 – 2016/17 Events Update paragraph 1.1 & 1.3 Picnic in the Park as a stall holder at the event and would leave the meeting during the consideration of the event and a non pecuniary interest in any matter relating to the town centre as an owner of 2 businesses.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2015.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2015.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor N Clarke and




The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2015 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



2016/17 Events Update pdf icon PDF 337 KB

Report of the Cultural Services Team Manager


The Cultural Services Team Manager presented the report to Members and provided an update on each event.


Councillor M B Wyatt left the meeting for the consideration of Picnic in the Park.


Proms/Picnic in the Park Saturday 11/Sunday 12 June - to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday

The Cultural Services Team Manager advised Members that the weekend was already a busy weekend within the district with many other events taking place. He ran through the planned events and reported that Aggregate Industries were financially supporting the event and 6 local Primary Schools were participating in painting giant art boards


Councillor M B Wyatt returned to the meeting.


Coalville by the Sea

Members were advised that the event would now be held on Friday, 19 August to avoid a clash with a Belvoir Shopping Centre event.


Christmas Lights Switch On Event

Members were advised that as the District Council no longer provided support to the Ashby event, the Coalville event could now be held on the same day, Saturday, 3 December. This would also alleviate criticism that November was too early for a Christmas event. The Cultural Services Team Manager informed Members that it was proposed to offer the 5 free parking Saturdays on 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 December.


Councillor J Legrys advised the meeting that he had received a few complaints from residents in the area of the town centre about the firework display upsetting their pets and rather than fireworks, could a laser light show be considered. He stated that he appreciated that lasers would be more expensive.


The Head of Community Services stated that he had been made aware of the concerns raised and officers had looked into costings for a laser show. He advised Members that they had obtained a quote, but stressed that the Authority had no direct experience of the quality of the displays and that the bigger the show the bigger the cost.


The Cultural Services Team Manager advised Members that the cost of a multi colour laser show would be £2,000 with the option of add on packages for between £800 to £1,000. He advised that the firework display usually cost £1,200.


Councillor N Clarke stated that even though he had sympathy for pet owners, the firework display was popular.


Councillor D Everitt stated that the residents knew when the display was happening so they could protect their pets, which was easier than protecting them against people setting of random fireworks.


Councillor J Geary stated that the firework display was a scheduled event with wide publicity therefore residents knew when it was taking place.


Councillor M Specht stated that the laser display may be more difficult to arrange as the town was within the flight path of East Midlands Airport and therefore the airport would need to be consulted on any display.


Members agreed to stay with the firework display.


St Georges Day

Members were advised that the flags would be put up on Friday, 22 April 2016.


RESOLVED  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Capital Projects Update pdf icon PDF 206 KB

The report of the Leisure Services Team Manager


The Leisure Services Team Manger presented the report to Members and provided an update on each of the ongoing projects.


Owen Street Recreation Ground

It was anticipated that the works would be completed in May/June 2016.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre

It was confirmed that all the planning permissions for footpath diversions had been submitted and that officers were working with the trustees to secure additional funding for the proposed groundworks.


Cropston Drive BMX Track and Wheeled Sports Facility

The Leisure Services Manager confirmed that the proposals had been circulated and the project would be delivered over the year.


Urban Forest Park, Coalville

Members were advised that suggestions on how best to use the outstanding S106 monies were being considered. The Leisure Services Team Manager also advised that the report contained some proposals for renaming the park and that if the Working Party was to support a name change it would then go to Cabinet for approval and then out for community consultation.


Councillor P Purver raised concerns that the Urban Forest was on an old landfill site and asked if that put residents off visiting.


The Leisure Services Team Manager stated that there was no indication that the site was a problem, but the bigger issue was the lack of signage and awareness.


Councillor J Geary stated that he had driven to the site, noticed that there was no signage and agreed that it should be a priority. He felt that the new name should include Coalville along with either Forest or Woodland. He informed Members that he had noticed a great deal of litter around the park and felt that a small amount of money should be spent on giving the park a deep clean. He added that he understood the proposal of picnic tables, but felt that it may not encourage usage as there were no toilet facilities or running water on the site.


Councillor M Specht agreed with Councillor J Geary that signage was required and to promote the site for family activities a basic requirement of running water was needed.


Councillor J Legrys agreed with the comments about the lack of facilities at the site, but also raised concerns over the site being used by teenagers as it was away from residential properties and it could lead to anti social behaviour. He felt that the name of the park should include Coalville and felt that woodland was more appropriate than forest. He added that the Council needed to assure that the younger population knew about the park and used it.


Councillor M Wyatt stated that to install facilities at the site would cost money plus annual maintenance of them and asked officers if it would be worth considering seeing if the National Forest would take over the site.


The Head of Community Services stated that he was not aware that the trust was looking to take on any land, but there would possibly be a requirement to make maintenance payments to them.


Councillor J Geary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Coalville Special Expenses - 2015/16 Forecast Outturn and Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 223 KB

The report of the Head of Community Services

Additional documents:


The Head of Community Services presented the report to Members and advised that the forecast outturn was still set to be overspent and this was largely due to reduced burial income for Broom Leys Cemetery.  However he stated that the balances were in a healthy position, and that following advice from the Deputy Section 151 Officer it had been agreed that £43,000 would be a prudent level of reserves to maintain. He also highlighted that £78,000 was still allocated to Capital programmes, and £12,000 could still be allocated to projects.


Following a question from Councillor J Geary, the Head of Community Services advised that the reduced salaries may have been due to no appointment being made to a vacant position, but that would need to be confirmed.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he felt that the reserves should not go below £43,000.


Members then gave consideration as to which of the potential Capital Projects as set out in item 5 they would like to allocate the £12,000 to.




1.    The 2015/16 Forecast Out turn be noted.


2.    The Capital Scheme programme be noted.


  1. The following proposals be considered further once final balances were confirmed after closure of accounts and final out turn report at the next meeting;


  1. £12,000 for a Green Gym at Melrose Road, Thringstone


  1. Scotlands Play Hub development (uncosted)


  1. Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign (LCC referred supplier to be invited to the next meeting)


  1. Improved signage for renamed Urban Forest Park and Coalville Park once LCC have completed their signage works




The progression of the following projects and resources from balances/unallocated capital for development in 16/17;


a.  £600 for a new bench in Thringstone


b.  £5,000 to be earmarked as a 10% 3rd party contribution for the Clover Place Former Play Area development into a training area as part of the Thringstone Miners Social Welfare site (subject to them receiving 90% project funding from Biffa)


c.   £2,000 for the 100 year End of WW1 Memorial project at Urban Forest Park (creating a feature corridor/avenue of trees)


d.                   £3,649 for the restoration of the Phoenix Green Bridge Mural (i.e. cleanse, removal of graffiti and repaint of all panels)


Dates of Future Meetings

Thursday, 7 July 2016 (provisional)

Thursday, 13 October 2016 (provisional)

Thursday, 15 December 2016 (provisional)

Tuesday, 25 April 2017 (provisional)




The provisional dates for the future meetings be noted.


Councillor J Legrys asked if a date had been arranged for a site visit to Broom Leys Allotments as the Working Party had given a lot of money to the society. He urged Officers to chase it up.


Councillor M Specht agreed with Councillor J Legrys and added that the visit needed organising.


Councillor M B Wyatt left the meeting at 7.25pm.