Agenda item

Capital Projects Update

The report of the Leisure Services Team Manager


The Leisure Services Team Manger presented the report to Members and provided an update on each of the ongoing projects.


Owen Street Recreation Ground

It was anticipated that the works would be completed in May/June 2016.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre

It was confirmed that all the planning permissions for footpath diversions had been submitted and that officers were working with the trustees to secure additional funding for the proposed groundworks.


Cropston Drive BMX Track and Wheeled Sports Facility

The Leisure Services Manager confirmed that the proposals had been circulated and the project would be delivered over the year.


Urban Forest Park, Coalville

Members were advised that suggestions on how best to use the outstanding S106 monies were being considered. The Leisure Services Team Manager also advised that the report contained some proposals for renaming the park and that if the Working Party was to support a name change it would then go to Cabinet for approval and then out for community consultation.


Councillor P Purver raised concerns that the Urban Forest was on an old landfill site and asked if that put residents off visiting.


The Leisure Services Team Manager stated that there was no indication that the site was a problem, but the bigger issue was the lack of signage and awareness.


Councillor J Geary stated that he had driven to the site, noticed that there was no signage and agreed that it should be a priority. He felt that the new name should include Coalville along with either Forest or Woodland. He informed Members that he had noticed a great deal of litter around the park and felt that a small amount of money should be spent on giving the park a deep clean. He added that he understood the proposal of picnic tables, but felt that it may not encourage usage as there were no toilet facilities or running water on the site.


Councillor M Specht agreed with Councillor J Geary that signage was required and to promote the site for family activities a basic requirement of running water was needed.


Councillor J Legrys agreed with the comments about the lack of facilities at the site, but also raised concerns over the site being used by teenagers as it was away from residential properties and it could lead to anti social behaviour. He felt that the name of the park should include Coalville and felt that woodland was more appropriate than forest. He added that the Council needed to assure that the younger population knew about the park and used it.


Councillor M Wyatt stated that to install facilities at the site would cost money plus annual maintenance of them and asked officers if it would be worth considering seeing if the National Forest would take over the site.


The Head of Community Services stated that he was not aware that the trust was looking to take on any land, but there would possibly be a requirement to make maintenance payments to them.


Councillor J Geary stated that the area was valuable to the town and to maximise the potential then facilities needed to be considered. He sought advice as to weather a grant could be applied for and whether costings could be brought to future meetings.


The Leisure Services Team Manager stated that to apply for a grant such as the BIFFA scheme then 10% of the cost would need to be allocated before an application could be submitted. He added that the budget would also need to be found to ensure continued maintenance of the site.


Thringstone Bowls Club Toilet Block

Member’s attention was drawn to the email within the report and that a site visit would be arranged once completed.


The Leisure Services Manager outlined the potential Capital Projects for 2016/17.


Melrose Road Green Gym

Members were advised that an anticipated cost of £12,000 would provide 4 pieces of equipment.


Bench in Thringstone

The Community Focus Officer advised Members that she had visited 5 locations with the Ward Member, from which they had come up with a proposed location on Priory Close. She informed Members that residents would be consulted and Members would be advised of the exact location.


Councillor D Everitt stated that a Thringstone had recently lost a bus service, the location proposed for the bench would be an ideal halfway stop for residents that had to walk from the other side of the village to get to the bus stop.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre Training Pitch

Members were advised that allocating £5,000 to the project would be the 10% contribution that was required for the centre to submit its funding application to BIFFA Main Grants Scheme for the outstanding amount.


Scotlands Playing Field Play Hub

It was suggested that the project was deferred until the next meeting once further progress had been made on the Lillehammer Drive MUGA.


Following a request from Councillor J Legrys, The Head of Community Services updated Members on the MUGA progress advising that the developer was re-engaged and officers were hoping to meet with them within the week to work through the issues. He informed Members that it was hoped that the work would commence by the start of the summer holidays.


Memorial Trees

Further to a request from Members to consider planting trees around Coalville to mark 100 years since the end of World War 1 and it was proposed that 10 trees were planted at the Urban Forest Park to create an avenue/corridor. Officers would meet with relevant Members to discuss further proposals.


Councillor M B Wyatt stated that it was an excellent idea, but felt that all areas of Coalville should have the opportunity to plant trees in the run up to 2018 and that it would be fitting that 100 trees were planted for 100 years adding that it would help the younger generation to learn about the history rather than planting 10 in an area that few people knew existed.


Councillor J Geary felt that poplar trees should not be used as they had a very limited life span for what they were to be planted for and suggested the planting of one tree to mark the occasion in the peace garden at Coalville Park, along with others in open spaces.


Councillor J Legrys stated that it was unimportant how many trees were planted, but the purpose was to enable the town to have a civic ceremony to mark the occasion, adding that schools would have lessons and events to mark the event.


Following a question from Councillor M Specht, the Head of Community Services stated that he was unable to comment on the size of the trees that would be planted, but as it was intended to be a corridor to make an impact on arriving at the park they would not be saplings.


Some Members felt that the project should be expanded to allow for communities to apply for trees to be planted, suggesting that a budget be set for semi mature trees for the urban park and saplings to be given to schools and community projects.


The Community Focus Officer suggested to Members that the free tree scheme could tie in with the event that would allow schools and community projects the opportunity to obtain trees to plant to mark the anniversary.


Members agreed that the £2,000 be considered for 10 trees at the Urban Forest Park and requested that officers brought possible feature designs to a future meeting for Members to consider, and any new signage for the park would include the corridor.


Mobile Vehicle Activated Signs

It was advised that the cost of a sign was £3,000 per unit and there was a process to be followed. Leicestershire County Council had suggested that the working party invite a supplier to give a presentation on how the signs worked.


Following a question from Councillor M Specht, the Community Focus Officer advised that there was no requirement to carry out a community speedwatch and that the more locations Members could suggest the better. Site visits would then be arranged to consider the locations.


Coalville Town Guide

The Leisure Services Team Manager informed Members that following discussions with the Interim Head of Economic Regeneration and Communications it was felt that a proposed guide should be considered by the Coalville Project Team at a later date.


Phoenix Green Bridge Mural

Members were advised that the total cost of the work would be £3,649 and it would include preparation of the surrounding area, painting of the black steelwork and restoring the paintwork on the panels, which would also include a coating of anti-graffiti lacquer.


Former Arriva Bus Depot Wall

It was confirmed that the site had been purchased and the future plans for the mural would be considered by the owner.


Improved Signage

It was considered that the Urban Forest Park was included in the improved signage.


Coalville – Grass/verge maintenance

Members agreed to give Leicestershire County Council a chance to carry out grass/verge maintenance before money was allocated by the District Council to carry out some works.


Councillor P Purver requested a map outling the areas that the County was responsible for to help Members to check that the work was being carried out.




1.    The progress update on 2015/16 Capital Projects be noted.


2.    The proposals for 2016/17 Capital Projects be considered.


3.    A presentation from a Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign Supplier be arranged for the next meeting.




The proposal to rename Urban Forest Park be considered by Cabinet with the suggestion that Coalville Woodland Park be put out for community consultation.


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