Attendance > Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Coalville

Contact: Democratic Services  01530 454512

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J G Coxon and T Neilson.


Declaration of Interests

Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring disclosable interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is pecuniary or non-pecuniary.


In accordance with the Code of Conduct, Members declared the following interests:


Councillors J Bridges and J Hoult declared that they had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1 and A2, application numbers 14/00535/FULM and 14/00574/OUT.


Councillors R Adams, G A Allman, G Jones and N Smith declared that they had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1, application number 14/00535/FULM.


Councillors D Everitt and M Specht declared that they had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1, A2 and A4, application numbers 14/00535/FULM, 14/00574/OUT and 14/00328/OUTM.


Councillor T Gillard declared that he had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1, A4 and A7, application numbers 14/00535/FULM, 14/00328/OUTM and 14/00248/FUL.


Councillors L Spence and M B Wyatt declared that they had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1 and A4, application numbers 14/00535/FULM and 14/00328/OUTM.


Councillor R Johnson declared that he had been lobbied without influence in respect of item A1, application number 14/00535/FULM and also a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in item A6, application number 14/00580/FUL as a member of Hugglescote and Donington le Heath Parish Council.


Councillor J Legrys declared that he had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1, A2 and A6, application numbers 14/00535/FULM, 14/00574/OUT and 14/00580/FUL, and also a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in item A3, application number 14/00681/FUL as he had been involved in the application as Ward Member. He stated that he would speak to the item and then leave the meeting for the consideration and voting.


Councillor R Woodward declared that he had been lobbied without influence in respect of item A1, application number 14/00535/FULM and also a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in item A7, application number 14/00248/FUL as he had been involved in the application as a Ward Member. He stated that he would speak to the item and then take no part in the consideration and voting.


Councillor D Howe declared that he had been lobbied without influence in respect of item A1, application number 14/00535/FULM and also a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in item A7, application number 14/00248/FUL as a member of the club.


Councillor D J Stevenson declared that he had been lobbied without influence in respect of items A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6, application numbers 14/00535/FULM, 14/00574/OUT, 14/00681/FUL, 14/00328/OUTM, 14/00723/FUL and 14/00580/FUL.


During the consideration of item A4, application number 14/00328/OUTM, Councillor R Woodward declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in the item as the Chairman of the Community Centre Executive Board.


During the consideration of item A7, application number 14/00248/FUL, Councillor T Gillard declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in the item, as a member of the club.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 204 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2014


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2014.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor R Adams and




The minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Planning Applications and Other Matters pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Report of the Director of Services.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Services, as amended by the update sheet circulated at the meeting.


14/00535/FULM: Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar arrays to provide 13.88MW generation capacity together with power inverter systems; transformer stations; internal access track; landscaping; deer fencing; CCTV and associated access gate pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Land South Of Babelake Street Packington Ashby De La Zouch


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Mr T Collins, objector, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that the application was contary to the Local Plan and NPPF, and that brownfield sites should be considered first. He stated that there was no justification to permitting the application and that it would be the size of seventy five football pitches. He informed Members that no impact assessment had been carried out on Champneys Health Resort as this was the single largest development next to the site and it was bad planning to consider developing next to the resort.


Mr S Purdue, objector, addressed the meeting. He advised the Committee that he had owned Springs for 25 years and they were proud to have played host to Olympic teams. He stated that he employed 250 people and that they were responsible to for protecting local jobs for local people. He highlighted that the site would be seen from the resort and urged Members to refuse the application so that a more suitable site could be considered.


Mr S Plummer, objector, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he had lived in the area for 20 years and urged the Committee to defer the application to allow further consideration to be given to the location of the access to the site. He stated that Babelake Street would be unsuitable for lorries to travel along and that there would be up to 500 HGV movements during the construction period. He informed Members that there was a more suitable entrance along a B road and that would avoid danger to the users of Babelake Street. He urged Members to oppose the application.


Professor T Marmont, supporter, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he was in support of renewable energy and that the development of Solar Panel farms was essential to provide the country with energy security due to climate change as it was becoming more difficult to rely on other energy suppliers.


Mr G Maruca, applicant, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that they had worked hard to ensure community involvement in the application, that the Parish Councils were in favour and that 30 letters of support had been received. He stated that there were no objections from the highways authority in relation to the access and that he had been in direct contact with the owners of Springs, and had tried to address all their concerns as they had progressed. He informed Members that it was proposed that 3,900 homes would be powered by the energy that would be produced.


Councillor N Smith stated that he had been lobbied intensely on the application and all had been in relation to the access of the site. He moved that the application be deferred so that access could be discussed further.


There was no seconder.


Councillor D Everitt stated that there would be a need for other energy sources when fossil fuel ran out and that a solar farm would be more  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.


14/00574/OUT: Erection of 16 Dwellings (Outline application - all matters reserved except for part access) pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Land Off Dawsons Road Osgathorpe Loughborough Leicestershire


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Mr S Olsberg, representing Osgathorpe Parish Council, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he had lived in the village for 15 years. He informed Members that a ballot in August had received a 60% turnout with overwhelming objection to the application and that 42 letters of objection had been sent in. He stated that the Parish Council was in strong objection to the application and that they urged the Committee to refuse the application.


Mr G Phillipson, objector, addressed the meeting. He advised the Committee that he had lived in the village for over 45 years and urged Members to refuse the application on 4 issues. These were that the authority already had a 6 year land bank, no further development should be required, that the village was not sustainable, that the development would pose a flood risk to the area and that the development would fall outside the limits to development.


Mr K Atkins, supporter, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he had been a resident of the village for 12 years and that he was speaking on behalf of the less vocal residents that felt there was a need for development in the village. He informed Members that the Section 106 monies would provide a community facility to bring all walks of life together. He added that all households in the village were surveyed with a 97% response. He went on to highlight that the pub, which would be a centre for the village, would be the first of its kind in Leicestershire and had strong backing from Councillors and the Local MP.


Mr A Large, applicant’s agent, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that there was a strong desire to save the pub and insufficient funds had been raised. He highlighted that 124 people had been against redistribution of the funds from the development, but the pub would be turned into a one stop shop housing various services. He informed Members that the application would ensure that the village would remain sustainable by retaining facilities and that local materials would be sourced for the construction. He added that the site would include 3 houses for local needs and the development was unique and supported by planning policy.


The Planning and Development Team Manager read out a letter of objection that had been received from Andrew Bridgen MP.


Councillor N Smith expressed concerns that if the community pub was to fail, the Section 106 money would be lost.


In response the Senior Planning Officer advised Members that should the venture fail the building would likely be sold and the services currently being promoted by the applicant would likely cease.


Councillor J Bridges thanked officers for a good report. He stated that the application would allow the village to become more sustainable, as other services were being reduced and slowly closing the village down. He added that it was unusual for money to be offered and that pubs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.


14/00681/FUL: Change of use from neighbourhood equipped area for play (NEAP)/Multi-uses Games Area (MUGA) to informal public open space pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Play Area Lillehammer Drive Coalville Leicestershire


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Mr R Galij, applicant, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that extensive dialogue had taken place with all concerned and that monitoring by Barratt Homes and residents had witnesses and observed activities and anti-social behaviour. He stated that the evaluation had agreed that the site was inappropriate and a better location was needed. He informed Members that Scotlands Playing Fields was the preferred location and that there was no objection from the Police to the site. He welcomed the report, acknowledged the conditions and urged Members to support the application.


The Chairman reminded Members that they were considering whether to relocate the play area, not the location.


Councillor J Legrys, Ward Member, addressed the meeting. He acknowledged the work that had been done by the officers in assisting to resolve the issue. He also thanked the Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder for his involvement. He stated that he could remember the site when it was the college and that for various reasons the site had not been completed. He informed Members that children need somewhere safe to play and that many families had bought homes on the estate due to the play area. He added that unfortunately some teenagers had been looking for a new place to hang out and they were still on the estate at 3am. He advised the Committee that whatever they decided someone would be disappointed.


Having declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in the item, Councillor J Legrys left the meeting on conclusion of his statement.


It was moved by Councillor J Bridges, seconded by Councillor R Johnson and




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Services.


Councillor J Legrys returned to the meeting.


14/00328/OUTM: Residential development of up to 85 no. dwellings (outline - all matters other than part access reserved) pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Land At Loughborough Road Thringstone Leicestershire


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Ms L Stones, agent, addressed the meeting. She advised Members that the applicant was seeking outline permission for the development that they felt would be sustainable. She stated that the proposed development had been considered with the council’s Urban Designer, that there had been a low number of objections to the development and that none of the consultees had any objections to the plans. She informed Members that the development would be a positive contribution to the Authority’s housing land supply and that a number of developers had already expressed an interest in the site. She urged Members to support the application.


Councillor L Spence stated that he had spoken to many residents who supported the application and that he was mindful that Thringstone needed to take its fair share of development. He added that it was a good location and he was happy to support, but expressed concerns in relation to the foul drainage scheme. He moved the officer recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor G Jones.


The Senior Planning Officer advised Members that that a Flood Risk Assessment had been included with the application and that the applicant was aware of the concerns.


Councillor D Everitt endorsed what Councillor L Spence had said and stated that some development had been permitted for Thringstone, but nothing had happened yet. He added that it would be wonderful if some of the Section 106 agreement monies could be used to install suitable access for people with disabilities at the community centre.


Councillor R Woodward declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in the item as the Chairman of the community centre executive board.


Councillor J Legrys congratulated the developer on brilliant community engagement and that the development would see improved traffic calming measures.


Councillor R Woodward stated that he agreed that the traffic calming should be removed completely and that attention should be paid to the sewage farm within the area.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Services.


14/00723/FUL: Erection of one two storey detached dwelling pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Land Adjoining 20 Main Street Osgathorpe Loughborough Leicestershire


The Planning and Development Team Manager presented the report to Members.


Mr A Large, agent, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that the only reason the application was being considered was due to his relationship to existing Councillors. He reiterated his earlier comments and added that all the materials would be locally sourced. He urged Members to support the application.


It was moved by Councillor D J Stevenson, seconded by Councillor J Bridges and




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Services.


14/00580/FUL: Removal of two garages and replacement with double garage pdf icon PDF 41 KB

144 Central Road Hugglescote Coalville Leicestershire


The Planning and Development Team Manager presented the report to Members.


Councillor D J Stevenson stated that he had been asked to visit the site as Chairman of the Committee and following this he had requested that a stop notice be served, with which the applicant had complied.


Councillor J Legrys thanked the Chairman for looking at the site and stated that the applicant had removed two garages and started to build one double. He moved that the application be refused on the grounds that it did not comply with policy E3 as he considered it was overbearing on not just Central Road residents, but also Breach Road residents. He added that there were significant problems with the height and the pitch of the roof and that he felt that it would be better for Members to refuse the application than to defer. He requested that decent negotiations took place with the neighbours. This was seconded by Councillor R Woodward.


Councillor D J Stevenson stated that had the garage been built two metres closer to the house then no permission would have been required.


The Director of Services advised Members that if they refused the application, the applicant could submit an amended application and then Ward Members would be able to call in the application under the member notification process if deemed necessary.




The application be refused on the basis that the application would have a detrimental effect on the neighbouring dwellings.


14/00248/FUL: Change of use to B1 (Business) pdf icon PDF 44 KB

70A North Street Whitwick Coalville Leicestershire


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Councillor T Gillard declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in item A7, application 14/00248/FUL, as a member of the club.


Mr N Wright, applicant, addressed the meeting. He stated that the building would house a second site for the business, that there would be no production or emissions as it would be used to disassemble components of vehicles, and that they would employ between 6 and 8 people. He advised Members that the car parks were owned by the club and that they had agreed to mark out the spaces that could be used by the business during the agreed times. He asked the Committee to consider the amended opening times of 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday to ensure that working hours were compliant with the other site.


The Chairman advised Members that as Councillor N Smith had left the meeting during the presentation, he would be unable to vote on the application.


Councillor R Woodward stated that he had been involved in ongoing discussions with all parties as a Ward Member and that there was a history of non-compliance with conditions. He stated that it was a start with the amendment of the opening hours.


Councillor R Woodward then took no further part in the discussion or voting on the application.


It was moved by Councillor D J Stevenson, seconded by Councillor G Jones and




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Services.

Councillor N Smith left the meeting at 6.22pm during the consideration of item A7 and returned at 6.25pm.