Agenda item

Agenda item

14/00574/OUT: Erection of 16 Dwellings (Outline application - all matters reserved except for part access)

Land Off Dawsons Road Osgathorpe Loughborough Leicestershire


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Mr S Olsberg, representing Osgathorpe Parish Council, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he had lived in the village for 15 years. He informed Members that a ballot in August had received a 60% turnout with overwhelming objection to the application and that 42 letters of objection had been sent in. He stated that the Parish Council was in strong objection to the application and that they urged the Committee to refuse the application.


Mr G Phillipson, objector, addressed the meeting. He advised the Committee that he had lived in the village for over 45 years and urged Members to refuse the application on 4 issues. These were that the authority already had a 6 year land bank, no further development should be required, that the village was not sustainable, that the development would pose a flood risk to the area and that the development would fall outside the limits to development.


Mr K Atkins, supporter, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he had been a resident of the village for 12 years and that he was speaking on behalf of the less vocal residents that felt there was a need for development in the village. He informed Members that the Section 106 monies would provide a community facility to bring all walks of life together. He added that all households in the village were surveyed with a 97% response. He went on to highlight that the pub, which would be a centre for the village, would be the first of its kind in Leicestershire and had strong backing from Councillors and the Local MP.


Mr A Large, applicant’s agent, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that there was a strong desire to save the pub and insufficient funds had been raised. He highlighted that 124 people had been against redistribution of the funds from the development, but the pub would be turned into a one stop shop housing various services. He informed Members that the application would ensure that the village would remain sustainable by retaining facilities and that local materials would be sourced for the construction. He added that the site would include 3 houses for local needs and the development was unique and supported by planning policy.


The Planning and Development Team Manager read out a letter of objection that had been received from Andrew Bridgen MP.


Councillor N Smith expressed concerns that if the community pub was to fail, the Section 106 money would be lost.


In response the Senior Planning Officer advised Members that should the venture fail the building would likely be sold and the services currently being promoted by the applicant would likely cease.


Councillor J Bridges thanked officers for a good report. He stated that the application would allow the village to become more sustainable, as other services were being reduced and slowly closing the village down. He added that it was unusual for money to be offered and that pubs have to become other services to support growth. He supported the application.


Councillor G A Allman agreed with Councillor J Bridges and added that too many pubs were closing down and that the restoration of the Storey Arms would be a good asset, and moved that the application be permitted. This was seconded by Councillor A Bridges.


Councillor M Specht stated that the sale of the pub would make the village a sustainable location as it would look to provide a number of varying services and events that in turn would look to reduce the use of vehicles. He supported the motion to permit.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he shared Councillor J Bridges’ views, however he was unable to vote in support of the application as he felt the monies should be put towards affordable housing. He added that the Parish Council objected and a referendum had shown that the existing residents had voted against the application. He expressed sympathy for residents wanting to maintain the pub, but had to support the officer’s recommendations.


Councillor D Everitt stated that the Parish Council had objected and that some villages did not want to expand.


Councillor D J Stevenson stated that he had been on the District Council for 40 years had never come across this situation before. He added that if the application worked the village would have a one stop shop and that if it didn’t the village would be left with 16 houses.


Councillor L Spence sought clarification on the difference between local needs housing and affordable housing.


The Director of Services stated that local needs housing would be restricted for sale to a local person and that if that was not successful it would be opened up to a wider area and that affordable housing was not restricted.


Councillor M Specht sought clarification as to whether the price of a local needs house would always be sold at the lower price.


The Planning and Development Team Manager advised Members that the 3 local needs dwellings would remain at low cost.




The application be permitted, subject to a Section 106 Agreement and the wording of the conditions be delegated to the Director of Services.

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