Agenda item

22/01811/FULM: Change of use of land to recreation use including the formation of sport pitches, parking area, improved access and landscaping

Ashby Ivanhoe Football Club, Lower Packington Road, Ashby De La Zouch. Leicestershire, LE65 1TS


Having declared an interest in the item, Councillor D Bigby remained in the public gallery prior to being invited to speak as the adjoining Ward member.  Councillor J Geary remained in the Committee as his substitute.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Ms C Birch, objector, addressed the Committee.  She explained the issues residents were currently experiencing from the football club, particularly noise, parking and traffic on the narrow country lane access to the site.  She felt that the proposals would only worsen the situation and requested that the Committee defer the application to allow further highway assessments with the Highways Authority. 


Ms K Carpenter, agent addressed the Committee.  She explained that the proposal was intended to provide additional space for those that currently use the facility rather than to grow the club.  Reference was made to the dialogue between the club and the residents undertaken in recent months and confirmation was given that this would continue.  The much-needed traffic management plan was highlighted, and it was confirmed that it would be prepared along with participation of the Police and Highway Authority to ensure car parks were used rather than the neighbouring area. 


Councillor D Bigby, adjoining Ward Member, addressed the Committee.  He acknowledged the value of the club for the area but explained that he had called in the application due to the number of objections from residents.  He shared his main concerns in relation to traffic and parking in the area due to the proposals leading to significantly more visits to the facility.  The response from the Highways Authority was questioned as the design statement referred to the growth and investment in the club which clearly indicated why the application to expand the facility has been submitted.  To conclude, he was disappointed that considering the years of complaints relating to traffic issues, it was only now that a traffic management plan had been considered.


Councillor D Bigby then left the meeting for the duration of the discussions and voting on the application.


In determining the application, discussions were had on the parking issues and Members noted the objectors request for further highway assessments.  However, it was agreed that as the Highway Authority had raised no concerns on two occasions, there was no grounds to defer for that reason.  During discussions Members did acknowledge the parking issues in the area but also the importance of the facility, therefore it was suggested by a Member that a condition be added for a Liaison Committee comprising of representatives of the club and residents be established to keep communication open and repair the breakdown in relationships.  Both the Officers and the agent agreed that this was acceptable but would need to be secured by a S106 agreement.


The officers recommendation with the additional requirement for a S106 agreement in relation to the establishment of a Liaison Committee was moved by Councillor R Blunt and seconded by Councillor J Simons.


The Chair put the motion to the vote.  A recorded vote being required, the voting was as detailed below.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure, with an additional requirement for a S106 agreement in relation to the establishment of a Liaison Committee comprised of representatives from Ashby Ivanhoe Football Club and residents.


At the conclusion of the item, Councillor D Bigby returned to the Committee.  Therefore, as no longer required as a substitute, Councillor J Geary left the meeting.


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