Issue > Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Coalville

Contact: Democratic Services  01530 454512


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Bridgen.



Declaration of Interests

Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring disclosable interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is pecuniary or non-pecuniary.


Councillor C Benfield declared a pecuniary interest in item 7 - Recommendations from the Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group, as the Managing Director of a timber frame manufacturing company.



Public Question and Answer Session

To receive questions from members of the public under rule no.10 of the Council Procedure Rules. The procedure rule provides that members of the public may ask any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services.





Minutes pdf icon PDF 198 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2021


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2021.


It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by Councillor C Benfield and it was




The minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Items for Inclusion in the Future Work Programme pdf icon PDF 536 KB

To consider any items to be included in the work programme. The plan of forthcoming Cabinet decisions and the current work programme are attached for information.

Additional documents:


The Chairman referred to the Committee’s work programme and invited Members to make requests for any additional items.


Advic was sought on which of the Scrutiny Committees would be best fit to review the choice of premises for the Customer Services Centre within Coalville Town Centre when it was relocated in 2022.  Members were informed that that this would fall under the Corporate Scrutiny Committee but were reminded that the matter had already been through the Committee for consideration. 


In relation to the ‘Flood Management in NWL’ item scheduled for consideration in February, a suggestion was made that flooding pollution, particularly sewerage, be a focus within the report.  A further request was made to include both Whitwick and Hugglescote Parish Council’s when preparing the report as they would like to submit comments in relation to their flooding concerns.  The Strategic Director agreed to take the comments back to the officers preparing the report.


By affirmation of the meeting, it was




The Future Work Programme be received and noted.


The Chairman advised Members that due to the nature of the reports it was beneficial to change the order of the agenda to discuss item 7 – Recommendations from the Supply of Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group prior to item 6 – Draft Housing Strategy.



Recommendations from the Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Report of the Head of Housing

Additional documents:


Having declared a pecuniary interest in the item, Councillor C Benfield left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.


The Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services  presented the report to Members.


During discussion, a query was raised on the confidence of officers that the proposed annual figure of 199 new affordable homes could be delivered.  The Strategic Director reported that data indicated the target was likely to  be met in the current year as numbers were projected at 220 new affordable homes, but acknowledged that it was an aspirational figure as guarantees could not be made on the amount developers would build.  Members were reminded that this figure was recommended following the work of the Task and Finish group but ultimately was a decision of the Committee.


Members congratulated the work of the Task and Finish Group as it was felt that a thorough review had been undertaken.


It was moved by Councillor T Eynon, seconded by Councillor J Simmons and it was




1)      The Council write to Government encouraging a reform of the Land Compensation Act.


2)      A target level of 199 new affordable homes (rented and low-cost home ownership) be included in the new Housing Strategy for new affordable housing development in the district subject to:


a)               An enhanced joint working partnership with other housing providers, including increasing the frequency of meetings with registered providers active in the district.


b)               Officers looking into waiting times targets for the various housing need bands on the housing waiting list.




Draft Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Report of the Head of Housing

Additional documents:


The Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services presented the report to Members.


In response to a query in relation to how the information was gathered to understand the future needs for housing, the Strategic Director explained that data was constantly changing so a snapshot of time was taken for each update to make sure it was as accurate as possible.  It was confirmed that the Census was used along with the HEDNA, both of which would be updated soon.


A concern was raised that private renting seemed more affordable than buying a low-cost home and it was highlighted that the most affordable way to get on the housing ladder was through renting from the Council and then to purchase through the Right to Buy Scheme.  It was asked that reference to this be included within the strategy.


A request was made that going forward, any questionnaires used as part of a consultation be included within reports to allow for a further understanding into the matter.  It was agreed for the two questionnaires referred to in the report to be forwarded to Members outside of the meeting for further information.


In relation to the improved housing standards in the private sector, a Member requested further information on how this was achieved and what the improvements were.  The Strategic Director agreed to provide this information outside of the meeting.


A Member disagreed with the point made within the report in relation to private renting being a short-term solution to those saving up for a deposit.  Comments were made that private rents were very high which would make it difficult for savings to be made, therefore residents were often trapped into renting permanently.


A comment was made on the recognition within the strategy that there was an oversupply of large property sizes and an undersupply of smaller property sizes.  It was felt that this was an important statement as there was a desperate need for smaller affordable homes within the district.  It was questioned what could be done to resolve the problem.  The discussion then moved on to creating clear planning policies for minimum room sizes and increasing the number of bungalows within developments; and also the never-ending cycle of justifying the need for development in areas where there is business growth even though the properties were not fit for purpose due to the large property sizes and lower-income jobs.  The Committee was advised that the discussion was more suited to the Local Plan Committee and that all concerns made would be passed on to the relevant officers for consideration.  In response to a question, the Strategic Director confirmed that the Planning Cross Party Working Group could possibly look at some of these concerns in more detail.


A discussion was had on the reference in the strategy to the district having good transport links.  Several Members disagreed with this comment as they felt that although there was a link to the two motorways, the infrastructure in between was very poor and not  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.