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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Remote Meeting using Microsoft Teams

Contact: Democratic Services  01530 454512


No. Item


Apologies For Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




Declarations of Interest

Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring disclosable interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is pecuniary or non-pecuniary.


Councillor M Wyatt declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 5 – Events Update, and item 7 – Capital Projects Update, due to association with the Broom Leys Allotment Society.


Councillor J Geary declared non-pecuniary interests in all items as a director of the Springboard Centre, founder member of Mantle Community Arts and supporter of Coalville Town Football Club should any matters relating to them arise at the meeting.


Councillor J Legrys declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 5 – Events Update as a volunteer presenter at Hermitage FM, and a non-pecuniary interest in item 7 – Capital Projects Update, due to his observing role with the local group Friends of Coalville Park.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 214 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2020.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2020. It was noted that reference to the planting of trees in the Coalville area in the minutes of item 19 – Capital Projects Update, should be amended to specifically reference  Bardon Road.


It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by Councillor M Wyatt and




The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2020 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings, subject to the inclusion of ‘and specifically at Bardon Road’ being added to the minutes under item 19.



Coalville Special Expenses Finance Update pdf icon PDF 290 KB

Report of the Finance Team Manager


Additional documents:


Dan Bates, Head of Finance, presented the report, which informed the Working Party of  the 2020/21 Period 11 actuals and forecast outturn for the year. The report also presented the 2021/22 budgets and indicative increases in the Coalville Special Expense precept that might be required in future years based on current expenditure.


In response to Members’ questions, it was explained that, based on the agreed 2021/22 budgets, a 13% increase in the Coalville Special Expense Precept would be required each year for five years in order to maintain a balanced budget and the recommended 10% level of reserves. It was also explained that if the originally proposed 8.5% increase in the Coalville Special Expense precept for 2021/22 budget had been implemented, there would have been a reduced pressure due to an increase in the base income.


Following officers’ recommendation for the Working Party to consider reviewing expenditure and income in order to mitigate against the need for future precept increases, it was agreed that it would be beneficial to establish a Sub-Group for this purpose. Suggested areas for review included the Special Expense funded Mobile Vehicles Activated Signs and future replacement of play area equipment due to changes in children’s needs and habits. 


It was moved by Councillor M Wyatt, seconded by Councillor J Geary and




The Coalville Special Expenses Working Party:


1)    Notes the 2020/21 Period 11 actuals and the forecast outturn for the year.


2)    Notes the 2021/22 budgets and forecasted balances for 2022/23 to 2025/26.


3)    Provides its comments to Cabinet on reviewing future years’ budgets and funding.


4)    Agrees to establish a Sub-Group to undertake a review and provide further comments on future years’ budgets and funding. With membership and meetings dates to be confirmed outside of the meeting.




Events Update pdf icon PDF 445 KB

Report of the Cultural Services Team Manager


Wendy May, Cultural Services Team Manager, presented the report, which updated Members on the proposed 2021/22 events and projects funded within the Coalville Special Expenses Area.


In response to questions from Members, it was clarified that the proposed Coalville Festival of Leisure 2021 was not currently on the event programme or budgeted because it was not yet formally agreed and would be provided by an external events company that had directly approached the Council. It was later explained that this new event would help mitigate against the cancellation of the Music and Picnic in the Park event in June due to COVID-19 regulations. During discussion, support was also expressed for the proposal to theme the 2022 Music and Picnic in the Park event on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and for the date of the event to coincide with the extended 2-5 June bank holiday weekend in 2022.


It was moved by Councillor M Wyatt, seconded by Councillor J Geary, and



The Working Party notes


1)    The progress update on 2021/22 events


2)    The opportunity for the 2022/23 event programme to include the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations


3)    The update for Christmas light installation procurement


4)    The update for Needham’s Walk artwork


5)    The progress update for 2020/21 Coalville Special Expenses Community Grant Scheme




Update on Newmarket and Traders pdf icon PDF 470 KB

Report of the Head of Community Services


Paul Sanders, Head of Community Services, presented the report alongside Claire Lambert, Commercial Facilities Officer. The report updated Members on the progress of the construction works at Newmarket, the relation to Marlborough Square, and on the support currently being provided to traders within the current COVID-19 situation and the transition to Newmarket.


During the discussion several concerns were raised by Members on behalf of traders regarding the support available to help with the transition to Newmarket and on the communications to members on the project. In response, officers agreed to contact Members to ascertain which traders had expressed concerns in order for contact to be made and concerns addressed.


It was also agreed that officers would arrange for Members to be able to visit Newmarket subject to the next easing of COVID-19 regulations going ahead on May 17.


It was moved by Councillor J Geary, seconded by Councillor J Legrys, and




The Working Party note the contents of the report.




Capital Projects Update pdf icon PDF 336 KB

Report of the Lesiure Services Team Manager

Additional documents:


Jason Knight, Leisure Services Team Manager, presented the report which updated Members with regard to capital projects within the Coalville Special Expenses Area.


Members were also invited to comment on proposals for the installation of play equipment at Coalville Park in order to feed into Cabinet’s decision making process for progressing the project. It was noted that the report addressed concerns previously raised by Members of potential increased maintenance costs and that this was welcomed. Support was given to the project by a Member and no further comments were received.


Discussion by Members centred on various areas identified in the report, including the ongoing anti-social behaviour problems at Coalville Park, the recent successes with the Lillehammer Drive project, the tree works and planned site visit at London Road Cemetery, and the update on proposals for tree plantings on Bardon Road. During discussion of the Coalville in Bloom project, it was suggested that consideration be given to extending the scheme onto Belvoir Road. The Chair highlighted that this could be considered as part of the improvements to Marlborough Square.


It was explained to Members during the discussion that the feasibility study of installing wind turbines at Scotlands Bowls Pavilion, requested at a previous meeting, had found the installation of wind turbines to be unsuitable due to the length of a payback period. It was suggested by Members that external funding from Bardon Aggregates be sought in order to help mitigate against costs for the Council in installing these sustainable energy sources.


It was moved by Councillor M Wyatt, seconded by Councillor E Allman, and




The Working Party:


1)    Notes the progress update on the 2021/22 capital projects.


2)    Feeds back comments on the Coalville Park play equipment project for consideration by Cabinet as part of the decision making process for progressing the project.


3)    Requests Cabinet to support a bid to the Bardon Community Fund for £2500 to cover the installation of solar panels at Scotlands Bowls Pavilion.




Air Quality pdf icon PDF 336 KB

Report of the Environmental Protection Team Manager

Additional documents:


Paul Sanders, Head of Community Services, presented the report alongside Clare Beattie from Air Quality Consultants. The report set out options for the council to invest in additional air quality monitoring equipment within the Coalville Special Expenses Area, and invited the Working Party to recommend an option for Cabinet to pursue.


During discussion, it was clarified that contrary to the report there had in fact been a financial contribution of £4,500 from the Bardon Community Fund without a contribution from Broom Leys Allotment Society. In response to questions from Members it was explained that the proposed monitoring  equipment could be moved and re-installed at different locations during the monitoring period with ease due to their small weight and durability.


It was agreed during discussions that it would be beneficial to utilise a blended approach of the two options in the report and purchase two Zephyr units to undertake monitoring over the course of twelve months with a single report to be produced for each unit at the end of the period. This would enable comparative data to be gained over the course of a year whilst also increasing the flexibility to monitor several different locations.


It was moved by Councillor M Wyatt, seconded by Councillor J Geary and




1)    The Working Party notes the monitoring options and costed plan.


2)    Cabinet be recommended at their June meeting that the pm2.5 air quality monitoring equipment is purchased and monitoring is undertaken by means of a blend of the two options set out in the report utlisling two zephyr units over the course of twelve months.