Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Forest Room, Stenson House, London Road, Coalville, LE67 3FN
Contact: Democratic Services 01530 454512
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declaration of Interests Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest, registerable interest or other interest
Minutes: Councillor K Merrie declared an Other Registerable Interest in item 10, East Midlands Freeport Update, as a Member of Leicestershire County Council and the District Council representative on the Freeport Board.
Councillors T Gillard and N Rushton declared an Other Registerable Interest in item 10, East Midlands Freeport Update, as Members of Leicestershire County Council.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chair made the following announcements:
Whilst the Leader acknowledged Councillor C Beck as the new Member for the Snibston South Ward, it was not formally recognised at the last meeting, the Chair apologised and formally welcomed Councillor C Beck to the Chamber.
The Chair announced the recent passing of David Smith who was a key member of the remembrance planning group and civic events for 43 years. Condolences were sent to David’s family at this difficult time.
An update was provided on the North West Leicestershire District Council’s 50th anniversary plans and Members were encouraged to put forward nominations for the Legacy Awards.
Several events had already taken place in recent weeks including Moira Canal Festival and D-Day celebrations, both with large turnouts. The 125th anniversary of Coalville Park celebrations would be taking place later in the month, further information was to follow.
The Chair’s chosen charity was announced as ‘Steps’. The Chair invited Rosemary Conley, the patron and trustee of the charity to speak on the work undertaken by the Charity and the support provided to families during difficult times. The Leader said a few words in support of the work of the charity.
Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Announcements Members are reminded that under paragraph 11.1 of part 3 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members without notice about any matter contained in any address. Questions shall be limited to five minutes in total for each announcement. Minutes: The Leader of the Council made the following announcements:
In relation to the Leader’s Executive Arrangements as announced at the previous meeting, the Planning Policy element of Councillor A Saffell’s Planning Portfolio had been moved to Councillor K Merrie’s Infrastructure Portfolio.
The success of this year’s Download Festival held in Castle Donington was celebrated. New plans had been introduced to successfully mitigate the issues experienced last year and officers were thanked for their hard work. Several Members spoke in support and echoed the Leader’s comments.
Following cross party discussions, it was announced that during the European Football Championships, the England and Scotland flags would be flown at Stenson House when the national teams were playing.
Question and Answer Session To receive questions from members of the public under procedure rule no.10. The procedure rule provides that members of the public may ask members of the Cabinet any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services. Minutes: There were no questions received.
Questions from Councillors PDF 176 KB To receive members’ questions under procedure rule no.11. The procedure rule provides that any member may ask the Chairman of a board or group any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: There were three questions asked which are set out below together with responses. Each Member who asked a question was invited by the Chair to ask one supplementary question which is also set out together with the response.
Question from Councillor J Legrys
“Council has recently made appointments to outside bodies, at its recent Annual Meeting. Could the Portfolio Holder please explain the process which the Council follows in seeking nominations for and making appointments to outside bodies?”
Response from Councillor N Rushton
“Thank you for your question Cllr Legrys. The Council considers and makes appointments to outside bodies each year at the Annual Council meeting. As part of the preparation for the meeting, the Democratic Services Team carry out an annual review by contacting each outside body (either directly or through any Council officer who liaises with the outside body) which the Council appointed to at the previous annual meeting to confirm whether they still require the Council to appoint a member representative to the body and what the details of the appointment are, for example whether the body requires a ward member, portfolio holder, skills/experience required, frequency and location of meetings.
Once the review is complete, Democratic Services contacts Group Whips and other members to seek nominations for the bodies that still require representation. Those nominations are considered and decided by the Annual Council meeting. After Annual Council, Democratic Services writes to those members appointed with the details of the appointment and notify the outside body or the liaising Council officer, of the appointed member and their contact details.”
Supplementary question and response
Councillor J Legrys thanked Councillor N Rushton for his response and the Monitoring Officer for her support with drafting the question. He asked for the issue to be kept under review and taken through the Constitution Working Group this year. Councillor N Rushton confirmed it would be included in the annual review of the Constutition.
Question from Councillor J Geary
“Had it not been for the prompt action of the local Police Force travellers would have set up camp on The Scotland’s Playing Field last month. Should they have succeeded this Authority would have once again incurred cost of evicting them along with the costs of cleaning up the site and repairing damage caused to the grounds.
When I submitted a question enquiring when this Council would have a warden-controlled site for the travel community in our district back in November 2018, Councillor Pendleton replied, “The need to make provision for gypsies and travellers is something which the Council is aware of. We have been working to identify potential sites” and went on to say, ‘to date over 500 sites have been looked at’.
This is now the sixth time I have asked this question at Council meetings and am now hopeful of a positive answer.
When will this Council have a warden-controlled site to accommodate Gypsies and Travellers passing through our District?”
Response from Councillor K Merrie
“I recognise the concern raised by Cllr ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
Motions To consider any motions on notice under procedure rule no. 12. Minutes: No motions were received.
Petitions To receive petitions in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme. Minutes: No petitions were received.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7 May 2024 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2024.
It was moved by Councillor K Horn, seconded by Councillor R Morris and
The minutes of the meeting held on 7 May be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
East Midlands Freeport Update PDF 246 KB Report of the Strategic Director (Resources) Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, the Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor A Woodman.
Prior to discussion, a Member commented that due to the nature of the report and that it was the pre-election period for the general election, it was felt that the item should be deferred. The Portfolio Holder explained that the report was not political and it was business as usual at a local authority level.
During discussion, comments were made regarding the risks of fraudulent and money laundering activity and business displacement, and the portfolio holder was asked what measures were being put in place. The Portfolio Holder stated that he would be meeting with the Freeport Board later in the week and would raise these points.
1) The latest position on respect of the East Midlands Freeport.
2) Subject to the approval of the Freeport Business Rates Relief Policy, the finalisation of the member’s agreements, articles of association and documents/agreements necessary to facilitate the incorporation of East Midlands Freeport Company, be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.
Annual Member Conduct report PDF 208 KB Report of the Head of Legal and Support Services and Monitoring Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, as Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor R Blunt.
Councillor D Everitt was invited to speak to the report as the Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee during the period covered within the report.
Several Members commended the work undertaken by the Monitoring Officer with investigating conduct complaints, due to the difficulties of subject and the time required.
During discussion, the lack of detail in relation to the subject matter and learning outcomes was raised. The Monitoring Officer explained that in accordance with the adopted arrangements for dealing with complaints, which was aligned with the Local Government Association’s Guidance on complaints handling, details of complaints were not published due to the sensitive nature. However, it was agreed that an explanation to be included in future annual reports to make that clear.
The Member Conduct Annual Report 2023/24 be endorsed.
Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2023/24 PDF 209 KB Report of the Strategic Director (Resources) Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor N Rushton, as Corporate Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor P Moult.
Councillor Moult as current Audit and Governance Committee Chair was invited to speak to the report.
Councillor R Sutton addressed the Committee and requested his comments be recorded. He expressed his opinion that audit matters were not understood by the authority and not taken seriously by the Committee as there were no independent members appointed and still a vacancy on the Committee. He also had major concerns with the delays in signing off the annual accounts and that this was a risk to the authority.
Some Members expressed concerns that although the scope of the committee was to remain apolitical, this was not the case.
The Portfolio Holder reassured Members that the Audit and Governance function was taken very seriously with no obstructions from the administration, in relation to the delays with the annual accounts, there had been several external and internal factors impacting this and it was the aim to deliver as soon as possible.
The Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2023/24 be noted.
Appointment of Parish Representatives to the Audit and Governance Committee PDF 216 KB Report of the Head of Legal and Support Services and Monitoring Officer Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, as Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor T Gillard.
Parish Councillors Mike McIntyre and Ray Woodward be appointed as Parish Council representatives to the Audit and Governance Committee.
Appointments to Outside Bodies PDF 346 KB Report of the Head of Legal and Support Services and Monitoring Officer Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, as Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor T Gillard.
1) Councillor R Blunt be appointed to represent the Council on East Midlands Council.
2) Councillor K Merrie be nominated to submit an expression of interest in being a member of the Regional Employers Board.
3) Councillor Woodman be nominated to submit an expression of interest in being a member of the regional Migration Board.