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Agenda item

Questions from Councillors

To receive members’ questions under procedure rule no.11.  The procedure rule provides that any member may ask the Chairman of a board or group any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services.


There were three questions asked which are set out below together with responses.  Each Member who asked a question was invited by the Chair to ask one supplementary question which is also set out together with the response.


Question from Councillor J Legrys


“Council has recently made appointments to outside bodies, at its recent Annual Meeting.  Could the Portfolio Holder please explain the process which the Council follows in seeking nominations for and making appointments to outside bodies?”


Response from Councillor N Rushton


“Thank you for your question Cllr Legrys. The Council considers and makes appointments to outside bodies each year at the Annual Council meeting.  As part of the preparation for the meeting, the Democratic Services Team carry out an annual review by contacting each outside body (either directly or through any Council officer who liaises with the outside body) which the Council appointed to at the previous annual meeting to confirm whether they still require the Council to appoint a member representative to the body and what the details of the appointment are, for example whether the body requires a ward member, portfolio holder, skills/experience required, frequency and location of meetings.


Once the review is complete, Democratic Services contacts Group Whips and other members to seek nominations for the bodies that still require representation. Those nominations are considered and decided by the Annual Council meeting. After Annual Council, Democratic Services writes to those members appointed with the details of the appointment and notify the outside body or the liaising Council officer, of the appointed member and their contact details.”


Supplementary question and response


Councillor J Legrys thanked Councillor N Rushton for his response and the Monitoring Officer for her support with drafting the question.  He asked for the issue to be kept under review and taken through the Constitution Working Group this year.  Councillor N Rushton confirmed it would be included in the annual review of the Constutition.


Question from Councillor J Geary


“Had it not been for the prompt action of the local Police Force travellers would have set up camp on The Scotland’s Playing Field last month.  Should they have succeeded this Authority would have once again incurred cost of evicting them along with the costs of cleaning up the site and repairing damage caused to the grounds.


When I submitted a question enquiring when this Council would have a warden-controlled site for the travel community in our district back in November 2018, Councillor Pendleton replied, “The need to make provision for gypsies and travellers is something which the Council is aware of. We have been working to identify potential sites” and went on to say, ‘to date over 500 sites have been looked at’.


This is now the sixth time I have asked this question at Council meetings and am now hopeful of a positive answer.     


When will this Council have a warden-controlled site to accommodate Gypsies and Travellers passing through our District?”


Response from Councillor K Merrie


“I recognise the concern raised by Cllr Geary in relation to the time it has taken to deal with the matter of gypsy and traveller sites and I’m sure he will recognise the significant difficulties in finding suitable sites in the district. I can confirm that Officers are currently investigating options for addressing the issue of transit accommodation in respect of both permanent and temporary sites as the Local Plan Review progresses. The intention is for Officers to bring forward a report to members of the Local Plan Committee before the end of the year.


I have asked Officers to keep Cllr Geary updated on progress and to make him aware when the issue is to be reported to Local Plan Committee.”


Supplementary question and response


Councillor J Geary acknowledged the difficulties for officers in identifying an appropriate site, however he reminded Members that it was a legal requirement to have a transient site.  As he had received a similar response each time he asked this question, he requested that an item be considered by Scrutiny for further discussions.  Councillor K Merrie also acknowledged the difficulties and assured the matter would be considered by the Local Plan Committee as soon as possible.


Question from Councillor Moult


“I would like to ask the leader of the council if he is recommending that Glyn Rennocks ex chair of Coalville Town football club be recognised for all the hard work and dedication in the accomplishment of achieving Football League status at Level 3 in the town of Coalville.


Glyn has over a period of nearly 50 years not only invested a huge sum financially but also he has spent valuable time in building the club from humble beginnings.


Through his vision and forward thinking since moving to the Owen St venue in Coalville, the club has developed facilities off the field including changing rooms, a boardroom but also stands with seating. The club only recently installed a 3G all-weather pitch after raising over £1Million for the project, this has without a doubt raised the profile of Coalville and the wider community. The club achieved great success not least an appearance at Wembley in the final of the 2011 FA Vase final losing narrowly three two and with a modicum of good fortune had one of the two goal efforts which had hit the inside of the post who knows what further achievements could have been achieved on the back of that success. I know that many people from the area were privileged to have been present that day, I know I was.


More recently Coalville Town football club achieved success in the world's oldest cup competition the FA Cup by beating teams with Football League experience like Notts County and Chesterfield also playing teams like Charlton Athletic Grimsby town who are both currently playing in league football.


Glyn leaves Coalville Town F.C. having supported the local community and left a wonderful legacy with the youth and ladies football teams set up which has been run separately, I hope I can count on the leader's support and acknowledge Glyn with the recognition he so rightly deserves.”


Response from Councillor Blunt


“The Council recognises the significant contribution that Glyn has had on Coalville, including helping improve the health and wellbeing of residents, supporting the local economy, putting Coalville on the map because of the level of football and developing the facilities at Owen Street Recreation Ground. I would personally like to go on record to thank Glyn for what he has achieved and brought to Coalville and I hope Cllr Moult will take the opportunity to encourage the local ward member to nominate Glyn for a North West Leicestershire 50th Anniversary Legacy Award for making such a positive contribution to the community. I would also encourage all councillors to put forward a member of their community for consideration under this award so that we can celebrate their contributions to the district, together.”


No supplementary question was asked.


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