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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Board Room, Council Offices, Coalville

Contact: Democratic Services  01530 454512

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Declaration of Interests

Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring disclosable interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is pecuniary or non-pecuniary.


There were no interests declared



Public Question and Answer Session


There were no questions received.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2019.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2019.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and




The minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Reason for decision: To comply with the Constitution.



Equality and Diversity Policy pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Presented by the Leader

Additional documents:


The Leader presented the report to Members.


He thanked the Members of the Equalities and Access Group for the work that they had put into the policy and action plan, and advised that both the policy and plan had been circulated to a number of external groups and to the trade unions, with positive messages of support from both.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor A V Smith and




The Equality and Diversity Policy and Action Plan be approved and adopted.


Reason for Decision: To approve the Equality and Diversity Policy.



Discretionary Housing Payment pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He informed Members that there was a predicted overspend of £49,649, which would be met through the utilisation of the ‘New Burdens Funding’ for the current financial year. He advised that it was proposed that for future years, in-year diminishing tapers of awards to claimants be used to keep within the allocated funding from central government of £126,679, avoid pressure on other Council budgets and ensure that all those who require support get it.


It was moved by N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor R D Bayliss and




1.    The budgetary position on the Discretionary Housing Payment budget be noted.

2.    The use of diminishing tapers in the award of DHP to prevent budgetary overspend for future years be supported.

3.    Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services to make decisions on how to implement diminishing tapers in future years in consultation with the Corporate Portfolio Holder.


Reason for decision: To ensure effective budget management of the Discretionary Housing Payment fund.



Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services

Presented by the Housing Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He advised Members that the strategy had last been reviewed in 2013 and since then a number of changes had taken place that required a review and in 2018, the Government required that all local authorities updated their strategies to include rough sleepers. He informed Members that the district had few rough sleepers but the Council should continue its prevention work to avoid people becoming homeless and this was the purpose of the strategy. He advised that the Council had a property that was available when required for temporary accommodation that was fully equipped.


Councillor R Blunt expressed concern that there should be homelessness in a first world country and this reflected badly, but was pleased that the Authority could say that it was doing its bit.


Councillor N J Rushton stated that once someone was homeless it was difficult to turn that around. He felt that is was a good policy and the Council should be proud of the work being done.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




1.      The Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy be approved.


2.      Authority be delegated to the Head of Housing and Property in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to update the strategy as required to address significant legislative or other changes.


3.      The indicative action plan for year one subject to any minor alterations required to ensure deliverability be approved.


4.      Authority be delegated to the Head of Housing and Property in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to approve the annual strategy action plan.


Reason for decision: The Council has a statutory duty to produce a Homelessness Review and Strategy every five years. Recent guidance has extended this to include rough sleepers.




Tenant Scrutiny Panel Report on Estate Management Services pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services

Presented by the Housing Portfolio Holder


The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He reminded Members that the report before them was all the work of the Tenant Scrutiny Panel and he was pleased to support the recommendation to approve the action plan. 


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




The action plan prepared in response to the recommendations from the Tenant Scrutiny Panel’s inspection of Estate Management be approved.


Reason for decision: The Tenant Scrutiny Panel has concluded their inspection of Estate Management.



Coalville Frontage Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place

Presented by the Business Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Business Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He reminded Members of the improvements that had already been carried out to the Emporium, the former bus station and some shops in Coalville through the improvement scheme and that nearly half the money that had been approved had been spent. He advised that the remaining funding would be used to tackle other properties in the town centre that required the work to be carried out. He informed Members that, using past experience to make sure that the Authority got the best value for money officers have reviewed the process and the proposed changes were outlined in the report. He felt that some of the money should be prioritised to target key buildings and to support the Marlborough Square project, adding that there were a number of property owners that would be interested.


Councillor R Blunt supported the scheme as he felt that many of the landlords, once a property was empty, were unable to afford or justify spending the money on improving the shopfronts. He highlighted that similar work had been carried out in Measham in the past and that the High Street still looked good, with the scheme in the Town Centre helping to make it more sustainable.


It was moved by Councillor T Gillard, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




1.            The progress made to date on the Coalville Frontage Improvement Scheme midpoint review be considered and noted.


2.            The recommendations to improve the Coalville Frontage Improvement Scheme, as set out in the midpoint review (appendix a), be noted and their implementation be approved.


3.            The prioritisation of £150,000 of existing funds available through the Coalville Frontage Improvement Scheme to buildings on Marlborough Square for a period of 18 months and the prioritisation of 50% of the remaining funding for key properties for a period of 12 months be approved.


4.            Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business to identify key properties and to review the scheme annually and make any required changes.


Reason for decision: To progress the relaunch of the Coalville Frontage Improvement Scheme.





Former Tenant Rent Arrears, Current Tenant Rent Arrears, Council Tax, Non Domestic Rates and Sundry Debtor Write Offs pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder


The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He highlighted that there was one Business Rate debt for which approval was requested to write off.


It was moved by Councillor N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




The Non Domestic Rates and Sundry Debt Write Offs that are over £10,000 be approved and notes the amounts written off under delegated powers.


Reason for decision: To comply with proper accounting practices.




Exclusion of Press and Public

The officers consider that the press and public should be excluded during consideration of the following items in accordance with Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 as publicity would be likely to result in disclosure of exempt or confidential information.  Members are reminded that they must have regard to the public interest test and must consider, for each item, whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure outweighs the public interest in making the item available.




In pursuance of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the business to be transacted involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and that the public interest in maintaining this exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Reason for decision: To enable the consideration of exempt information.



Proposal for NWLDC Site in Coalville

Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services

Presented by the Housing Portfolio Holder


The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members and detailed the preferred method of disposal. He highlighted that the proposed method would give the Council some control over the future of the site and that maximising the capital receipt would boost the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Members supported the proposed method and the control it would afford the Council.


It was moved by Councillor N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




1.    The disposal of the NWLDC site in Coalville and the method of disposal recommended in the report be approved.


2.    Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services, in consultation with the Corporate Portfolio Holder, to engage in negotiations with, and approve the disposal of the site to, the preferred developer, which offers the overall best value to the council.


Reason for decision: Cabinet approval is sought for the disposal of the land and the recommended method of disposal.



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