Agenda and minutes
Venue: Board Room, Council Offices, Coalville
Contact: Democratic Services 01530 454512
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declaration of Interests Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring disclosable interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is pecuniary or non-pecuniary. Minutes: There were no interests declared.
Public Question and Answer Session Minutes: There were no questions received.
Minutes of the meetings held on 4 February and 18 February 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meetings held on 4 February 2020 and 18 February 2020.
It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor N J Rushton and
The minutes of the meetings held on 4 February 2020 and 18 February 2020 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Reason for decision: To comply with the Constitution
REVIEW OF DISCRETIONARY RATE RELIEF POLICY AND GUIDELINES Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder Additional documents:
Minutes: The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.
He advised Cabinet that the policy provided relief for predominantly charitable organisations and that the existing policy had not been reviewed for six years. He noted that there were a number of minor changes and enhancements to the new policy, of which the biggest enhancement was the new criteria list. He highlighted that should the policy be approved it would be applied from April 2021, which would allow a twelve month notice period for organisations that currently awarded relief to reapply.
In response to comments from Councillor R Blunt, the Head of Finance advised that there would be no change to the categories or awards given except for one category where the relief is enhanced. She informed Cabinet that the authority would be writing out to all organisations that would be affected along with a new application form, which had been simplified.
Following a request from Councillor R Blunt, Councillor N J Rushton advised that, along with the Head of Finance, he would monitor the implementation period and report back any issues.
It was moved by Councillor N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor R Ashman and
The draft policy be approved.
Reason for decision: Cabinet approval of the policy required.
Repairs and Maintenance Policy Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services Presented by the Housing and Customer Services Portfolio Holder Additional documents:
Minutes: The Housing and Customer Services Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.
He began by recognising the recent awards ceremony that he had attended, where the housing repairs team had finished in the top 4 in one of the categories. He congratulated the team on the recognition.
He advised that the current policy had been adopted in 2013 and that the latest review would ensure that the policy would now be relevant to the repair activity; and the standards reflected the tenants changing expectations. He highlighted the changes to the priority groupings, following consultation with the Landlords Services Working Group, and the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenants.
Councillor T Gillard advised that he had been asked to pass on the thanks of a resident in Thringstone, to the repairs team, following a very swift response and high standard of customer service they had received after reporting an issue with taps in their home.
Following a request from Councillor R Blunt, Councillor R D Bayliss advised that he would monitor the implementation of the new policy and keep Cabinet colleagues informed of any issues.
It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and
The revised Housing Repairs and Maintenance Policy v4 be adopted.
Reason for decision: To adopt the policy as a framework for the Housing Repair and Maintenance Team.
Exclusion of Press and Public The officers consider that the press and public should be excluded during consideration of the following items in accordance with Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 as publicity would be likely to result in disclosure of exempt or confidential information. Members are reminded that they must have regard to the public interest test and must consider, for each item, whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption from disclosure outweighs the public interest in making the item available. Minutes: RESOLVED THAT:
In pursuance of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the business to be transacted involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and that the public interest in maintaining this exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Reason for decision: To enable the consideration of exempt information.
Procurement Update on Telephony Project Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services Presented by the Housing and Customer Services Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Housing and Customer Services Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.
He highlighted the background of the report to Members and updated them on the current position.
It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor N J Rushton and
Reason for decision: To revise the delegation level to enable the procurement of a replacement telephony and contact centre platform over a contract term of up to 7 years.