Parish Councillor Rich Hughes > Meeting attendance

Meeting attendance

Thursday, 28th June, 2018 4.30 pm, The Leicestershire Partnership Revenues and Benefits Joint Committee

Venue:   Room 218, The Symington Building, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough

Contact:    Democratic Services (01530 454512)

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Richard Allen Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Roger Bayliss Committee Member Present
Leigh Butler Officer In attendance
Councillor Richard Hadkiss in the Chair Present
Councillor James Hallam Committee Member Present
Clare Hammond Democratic Services Officer In attendance
Beverley Jolly Officer In attendance
Councillor Chris Ladkin Committee Member Present
Sally O'Hanlon Officer In attendance
Councillor Trevor Pendleton Committee Member Present
Tom Shardlow Officer In attendance
Bev Smith Officer In attendance
Jodie Stead Observer In attendance
Ashley Wilson Officer In attendance