Agenda and minutes > Voting record

Voting record

 Planning Committee, Tuesday, 7th January, 2020 6.30 pm

Item: 19/00141/OUTM: Residential development for up to 30 dwellings (outline application with details of part access)

Motion to permit the application in accordance with the officer's recommendation:

Motion status:Rejected

ForR Canny, J Hoult and N Smith3
AgainstJ Clarke, D Everitt, J Geary, D Harrison, J Legrys and V Richichi6
AbstainA J Bridgen1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

Motion to Refuse the application on the grounds that it was contrary to policies Cc2 and Cc3, there were highways safety concerns, and that there was insufficient information surrounding the proposed management of the SuDS following completion of the development:

Motion status:Carried

ForJ Clarke, D Everitt, J Geary, D Harrison, J Legrys and V Richichi6
AgainstR Canny, J Hoult and N Smith3
AbstainA J Bridgen1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0