Voting record

Voting record

 Council, Thursday, 22nd February, 2024 6.30 pm

Item: Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget and Rent Setting 2024/25

Labour Group amendment to budget as submitted by Councillor D Bigby:

Amendment status:Rejected

ForA Barker, D Bigby, M Blair-Park, D Cooper, D Everitt, T Eynon, J Geary, R Johnson, S Lambeth, J Legrys, A Morley, P Moult, J Page, E Parle, G Rogers, C A Sewell, S Sheahan, R Sutton and A Wilson19
AgainstM Ball, R Blunt, R Boam, M Burke, R Canny, M French, T Gillard, K Horn, P Lees, K Merrie MBE, R L Morris, N J Rushton, A C Saffell, J G Simmons, N Smith, J Windram, L Windram, A C Woodman and M B Wyatt19
Conflict Of InterestsNone0
Casting voteR L Morris1

Substantive motion to approve the recommendations as set out in the report:

Motion status:Carried

ForM Ball, R Blunt, R Boam, M Burke, R Canny, M French, T Gillard, K Horn, P Lees, K Merrie MBE, R L Morris, N J Rushton, A C Saffell, J G Simmons, N Smith, R Sutton, J Windram, L Windram, A C Woodman and M B Wyatt20
AbstainA Barker, D Bigby, M Blair-Park, D Cooper, D Everitt, T Eynon, J Geary, R Johnson, S Lambeth, J Legrys, A Morley, P Moult, J Page, E Parle, G Rogers, C A Sewell, S Sheahan and A Wilson18
Conflict Of InterestsNone0