Voting record
Planning Committee, Tuesday, 3rd October, 2023 6.00 pm
Item: A1 - 21/00233/REMM: Reserved matters approval (access, appearance, layout and scale) (outline planning permission 15/00456/OUTM) for a 62 bed care-home development and 15 care related dwellings along with vehicular access from Ashby Road and internal layout for the first phase
Motion to permit the application in accordance with the officer's recommendations:
Motion status:Carried
Vote | Councillors | Count |
For | D Bigby, R Blunt, R Boam, R Canny, D Cooper, D Everitt, T Eynon, J G Simmons, N Smith and M B Wyatt | 10 |
Against | J Legrys | 1 |
Abstain | None | 0 |
Conflict Of Interests | None | 0 |