Voting record
Planning Committee, Wednesday, 11th January, 2023 6.00 pm
Item: 21/02281/FULM: Part full/part outline planning application for the development of the site comprising site wide infrastructure works including access from (and alterations to) Grange Road, internal spine road, earthworks and development plateaus, structural landscaping, utilities infrastructure, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure (including attenuation pond and outlets). Full consent sought for the erection of 5 employment units (totalling 2,719 square metres) comprising light industry (Class E(g)(iii)), general industry (Class B2) and/or storage and distribution (Class B8) floorspace and ancillary offices (Class E(g)(i)), including associated service yards and service vehicle parking, vehicular and cycle parking, boundary treatments and retaining walls, utilities infrastructure, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure and hard/soft landscaping. Outline consent (with all matters reserved except vehicular access from Grange Road and re-grading of site) sought for up
Motion to permit the application in accordance with the officer recommendations:
Motion status:Carried
Vote | Councillors | Count |
For | R Boam, J Bridges, D Harrison, J Hoult, R L Morris and J G Simmons | 6 |
Against | D Bigby, D Everitt and J Legrys | 3 |
Abstain | None | 0 |
Conflict Of Interests | None | 0 |