Voting record

Voting record

 Planning Committee, Wednesday, 13th January, 2021 6.00 pm

Item: 19/00652/FULM: Hybrid planning application for redevelopment of the site comprising: Outline application (all matters reserved) for the erection of Class B8 distribution unit(s) and ancillary offices (B1a), service yards and HGV parking, fuel and wash facilities, vehicular and cycle parking, gatehouse(s) and security facilities, plant, hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and retaining walls, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, internal roads, and foul and surface water drainage infrastructure. Full application for site clearance works (including removal of railway, existing trees/hedgerows and existing hardstanding), access from (and alterations to) Corkscrew Lane, brook diversion and crossings, earthworks and structural landscaping (including boundary treatments), associated utilities infrastructure, surface water drainage outfall, and construction access and compounds

Motion to permit in accordance with the officer recommendation:

Motion status:Carried

ForR Ashman, A J Bridgen, R Canny, S Gillard, G Hoult and N Smith6
AgainstD Everitt, J Legrys, S Sheahan and M B Wyatt4
AbstainJ Hoult1
Conflict Of InterestsD Bigby and R Boam2