Voting record

Voting record

 Planning Committee, Tuesday, 1st December, 2020 6.00 pm

Item: 20/00330/FULM: Hybrid planning application seeking outline permission (access) for up to 3000m2 of B1, B2 or B8 floorspace. Full planning consent for 3 employment units (B1, B2) with associated access, structural landscaping engineering and drainage works

Motion to Defer the application to allow the applicant the opportunity to provide the evidence that had been outlined in the withdrawn motion to refuse:

Motion status:Rejected

ForD Bigby, D Everitt, D Harrison, J Legrys and M B Wyatt5
AgainstJ Bridges, R Canny, S Gillard, J Hoult and N Smith5
AbstainA J Bridgen1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0
Casting voteN Smith1

Motion to permit the application in accordance with the officer recommendation subject to additional conditions relating to the maximum height parameters on the outline application and a reduced timescale in respect of the outline elements, which would be delegated to officers, in conjunction with the legal advisor to agree with the applicant:

Motion status:Carried

ForA J Bridgen, J Bridges, R Canny, S Gillard, J Hoult and N Smith6
AgainstD Bigby, D Everitt, D Harrison, J Legrys and M B Wyatt5
Conflict Of InterestsNone0