Voting record

Voting record

 Coalville Special Expenses Working Party, Tuesday, 24th January, 2023 6.30 pm, NEW

Item: 2023/24 Draft Budget and Council Tax

A motion to increase the precept by the maximum allowed without triggering a referendum.:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Elliott Allman For

 Planning Committee, Wednesday, 30th November, 2022 6.00 pm

Item: 22/01140/VCIM: Erection of up to 400 dwellings with associated roads and service infrastructure, drainage ponds, landscaping and open spaces (outline- all matters other than part access reserved) approved under planning permission 16/01200/VCUM without complying with Condition numbers 4, 7, 9, 10, 15, 17, 27 and 28, so as to allow for a maximum of 150 dwellings to be accessed via Highfield Street, an amended access design to Highfield Street, amendments to proposed culverts, non-compliance with the Code for Sustainable Homes, and removal of the requirement to submit a Design Code

Motion to permit application in accordance with the officer recommendations:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Elliott Allman Against

Item: 22/01126/OUT: Erection of a building to include 1 no. unit of tourist accommodation and ancillary uses and the erection of 3 no. lodges to be used for tourist accommodation (outline, access only)

Motion to refuse on the grounds of visual impact and location:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Elliott Allman For

 Council, Tuesday, 6th September, 2022 6.30 pm

Item: Leicester & Leicestershire Statement of Common Ground on Housing and Employment Need (June 2022)

Motion to agree the recommendations as set out in the report:

Motion status:Carried

Councillor Elliott Allman For