Issue > Declarations

Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item '18/01443/ FULM: Part full / part outline planning application for the development of land, including the demolition of all existing on-site buildings and structures and levelling and re-grading of the site. Full consent sought for the construction of a Distribution Campus (Use Class B8), with ancillary offices (Use Class B1a), associated gatehouse and other ancillary uses, new electricity sub-station and new pumping station, creation of new accesses from the B5493, internal roadways, cycleways and footpaths, yard space, car parking and circulation, associated lighting and security measures, surface water attenuation and landscaping. Outline consent (with all matters reserved except vehicular access from the B5493 and re-grading of site) sought for additional Use Class B1c, B2 and B8 employment, with ancillary offices (Use Class B1a) and associated commercial and amenity uses'