Agenda item > Declarations

Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item '14/00354/OUTM - Erection of up to 105 dwellings, public open space, earthworks, balancing pond, structural landscaping, car parking, and other ancillary and enabling works (Outline - All matters other than vehicular access off Grange Road reserved)'

  • Councillor John Cotterill - - Lobbied without influence.
  • Councillor John Legrys - - Having indicated his willingness to act as a witness in the appeal relating to this item, he was committed to opposing the development. His wife had also objected to the application and it would therefore be inappropriate for him to be involved in determining the application. He would speak as an objector to the application and would then withdraw from the meeting.
  • Councillor Ron Adams - - Lobbied without influence.
  • Councillor Tom Neilson - - Lobbied without influence.