Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '23/01277/OUTM: Demolition of Nos. 137 and 139 Church Lane and the Redevelopment of the Site to Provide 13 Dwellings with Associated Works (Outline, Means of Access, Layout and Scale for Approval)'
- Councillor Carol Sewell - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Dave Bigby - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor David Everitt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor John Legrys - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Peter Moult - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Peter Moult - Registerable Interest - As a Member of Whitwick Parish Council
- Councillor Rachel Canny - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Richard Blunt - Lobbied without influence