Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '23/01153/FULM: Erection of new Lidl foodstore (Use Class E) with car parking, landscaping and other associated works'
- Councillor Dave Bigby - Other Interest - As a Member of Ashby de la Zouch Town Council
- Councillor Dave Bigby - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor David Everitt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Doug Cooper - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Doug Cooper - Other Interest - As a Member of Ashby de la Zouch Town Council
- Councillor John Legrys - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Nigel Smith - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - As a business owner in Ashby Town Centre. The declaration was made during the item, therefore he left the meeting at that point and did not tke part in a further discussion or voting thereon.
- Councillor Nigel Smith - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Peter Moult - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Ray Morris - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Russell Boam - Lobbied without influence