Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '23/01108/FUL: Works to an existing clubhouse to include raising the roof height to provide first floor accommodation, dormer windows and a balcony with the erection of a single storey building to provide changing room facilities, retention/extension to terrace stand and new pathway'
- Councillor Carol Sewell - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Dave Bigby - Other Interest - adjoining ward Member, speaking on the item.
- Councillor David Everitt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Jenny Simmons - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor John Legrys - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Michael Wyatt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Nigel Smith - Other Interest - Was Chair of the Planning Committee when the application was originally considered.
- Councillor Peter Moult - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Ray Morris - Lobbied without influence