Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '23/00565/FUL: Change of use of land for parking of heavy goods vehicle (HGV) for a temporary period of 36 months including erection of fencing/gates and a mobile building'
- Councillor Carol Sewell - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Dave Bigby - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor David Everitt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Jenny Simmons - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Jenny Simmons - Registerable Interest - Member of the Licencing Sub-Committee that granted the premises licence.
- Councillor John Legrys - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Michael Wyatt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Nigel Smith - Registerable Interest - Member of the Licencing Sub-Committee that granted the premises licence.
- Councillor Peter Moult - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Ray Morris - Lobbied without influence