Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '20/01662/REMM: Erection of 605 dwellings, construction of car park and internal access roads and formation of public open spaces (reserved matters to outline planning permission ref. 15/00512/OUTM)'
- Councillor Dan Harrison - Registerable Interest - As Ward Member, he addressed the committee on the item and then left the meeting.
- Councillor David Everitt - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Jenny Simmons - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Jim Hoult - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Jim Hoult - Registerable Interest - As the Chairman of the Planning Committee at Ashby Town Council, who had previously considered the application, but he had come to the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor John Bridges - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor John Legrys - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Ray Morris - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Russell Boam - Lobbied without influence
- Councillor Sean Sheahan - Lobbied without influence