Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declaration of Interests'

  • Councillor Carl Benfield - Lobbied without influence - Councillor C Benfield declared that he had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor Dr Terri Eynon - Lobbied without influence - Councillor Dr T Eynon declared that she had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor Gill Hoult - Lobbied without influence - Councillor G Hoult declared that she had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor Jenny Simmons - Lobbied without influence - Councillor J Simmons declared that he had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor Jim Hoult - Lobbied without influence - Councillor J Hoult declared that he had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor John Geary - Registerable Interest - Councillor J Geary declared a registerable interest in Item 12 "Linden Way, Coalville - HIghway Extension" as Director of the Springboard Centre, located close to the site.
  • Councillor John Geary - Lobbied without influence - Councillor J Geary declared that he had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor Michael Hay - Lobbied without influence - Councillor M Hay declared that he had been lobbied without influence with regards to Item 6 "The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground".
  • Councillor Michael Wyatt - Registerable Interest - Councillor M Wyatt declared registerable interests in Item 6, The Future of the Hermitage Leisure Centre and Recreation Ground and Item 11, A Cinema for Coalville, as the owner of 2 businesses in Coalville.