
Issue details

Authority to award the desktop computer replacement supply contract

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/09/2016

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The Desktop Replacement Contract was awarded to a supplier on the 9th August as part of the ICT Strategy. The supplier was not able to meet the original price in the tender of £98,490, due to changes in the exchange rates. A new price has been negotiated that takes the contract value over £100,000 - which requires cabinet approval.

The Desktop Replacement Contract has taken several months to tender and award; and offers value for money. Any re-tender is likely see prices rise and will also include the impact of the variation in exchange rates. In addition any significant delay will impact on the delivery of the replacement desktops and affect the delivery timescales of the overall ICT Strategy. The implementation of the replacement desktops is one of the key infrastructure changes which will make a substantial productivity difference to staff and to make use of the new tools which will be available.

Anticipated restriction: Public  -

Decision due: 20 Sep 2016 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Nicholas Rushton, Corporate Portfolio Holder

Lead director: Director of Resources

List of Background Papers: None.