
Issue details

Hemington conservation area: Adoption of character appraisal and boundary review

To consider responses to the recent public consultation and to adopt the revised character appraisal and boundary review for the Hemington conservation area.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public  -

Decision due: 20 Aug 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Tony Saffell, Planning Portfolio Holder

Lead director: Strategic Director of Place

Contact: James White, Senior Conservation Officer Email:


The Parish Council and the County Council
Cllr Carol Sewell (Daleacre Hill)
Historic England and the National Amenity Societies
Parties affected by the draft boundary review

List of Background Papers: Draft documents at Historic development of Hemington (report) at

Scrutiny Committee Considered: The draft character appraisal and boundary review were subject to six weeks public consultation and the revised documents take appropriate account of the consultation responses that were received.

Agenda items


  • Hemington conservation area: Adoption of character appraisal and boundary review  

Background papers

  • Revised Hemington boundary review  
  • Revised Hemington character appraisal