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Authority to recieve Delegation of Function from Harborough District Council for the provision of a HR and Payroll System

Authority is sought from Cabinet to exercise their legislative powers to receive a Delegation of Function from Harborough District Council for the provision of a HR and Payroll System

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Anticipated restriction: Public  -

Decision due: 10 Nov 2020 by Cabinet

Lead director: Strategic Director of Communities

Contact: Tracy Bingham, Head of Finance Email: Tel: 01530 454707.

List of Background Papers: Legislation that permits Cabinet to authorise the receiving of a delegated authority.

Scrutiny Committee Considered: This is an agreement that was going to be a contract for services which would not require a Cabinet decision. there is insufficient time to report to scrutiny ahead of the Cabinet meeting and to delay taking the report could risk us losing the commercial venture opportunity.

Agenda items


  • Authority to recieve Delegation of Function from Harborough District Council for the provision of a HR and Payroll System  

Background papers

  • Heads of Terms for Delegation Agreement