
Issue - decisions

Review of Supported Properties

23/06/2015 - Re-Designation of Supported Housing Properties

The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He informed Members that the Council had 720 supported housing properties which were originally allocated to people over a certain age which changed in 2010 with the introduction of Choice Based Lettings to people with a support need.  For the past three years the Council had offered a financial incentive to households who were eligible to move to supported households to release family homes and to date only 27 households had made the move.  He added that the scheme would increase revenue and referred Members to the results of the tenant consultation on page 70 of the agenda.


In response to a question from Councillor R Blunt, the Housing Portfolio Holder explained that by delegating powers the process would be quicker and that Cabinet were agreeing the principle so that the Director of Housing could continue to approve other re-designations.  The Director of Housing confirmed this.


Councillor T J Pendleton expressed concerns that it was difficult to let first floor flats to older people in his Ward and that the scheme would really help.


Councillor R Blunt congratulated the Director of Housing for putting together the initiative as it was a good, pragmatic scheme.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and




1.     The ‘supported’ designation of the flats at Cherry Tree Court in Moira be removed.


2.     Authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to re-designate these properties, in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder.


3.     Authority be delegated to the Director of Housing to re-designate other properties in future, after consulting with tenants and Ward Members, and in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder.


4.     The ‘supported’ designation be removed from properties on a street by street basis where there is no or low demand from eligible home seekers and where there is a clear demand for general needs accommodation.


Reason for decision: To provide a framework that enables the prompt letting of properties, an efficient use of the housing stock, and effectively meets current and future housing demand within the District.