
Issue - decisions

Statement of Community Involvement

20/02/2015 - Statement of Community Involvement

The Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He stated that the current statement was adopted in 2006 and that 9 responses had been received following the consultation, which would now allow the Authority to modify the statement. He advised Members that should they agree to adopt the new statement it would be displayed on the website.


Councillor R Blunt expressed concern that the list general consultation bodies could go out of date as some organisations were defunct and asked how officers would assess the list.


The Director of Services advised Members that all the organisations would be written to and asked to confirm that they wished to remain on the database, and those that did not reply would be removed from the list.


It was moved by Councillor T J Pendleton, seconded by Councillor R D Bayliss and





1.    Notes the responses to the consultation in respect of the Statement of Community Involvement set out in appendix B and;


  1. Agrees to the adoption of the new Statement of Community Involvement as set out in appendix A.


Reason for decision: In accordance with the Council’s Constitution Cabinet is required to approve the new Statement of Community Involvement.