
Issue - decisions

14/00692/FULM: Demolition of existing garage for proposed food and non-food retail (A1) development with additional restaurant uses (A3/A4), together with ancillary access, parking and servicing

04/11/2014 - 14/00692/FULM: Demolition of existing garage for proposed food and non-food retail (A1) development with additional restaurant uses (A3/A4), together with ancillary access, parking and servicing

The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Dr T Eynon, supporter, addressed the meeting. She stated that she supported the application and that the only objection to the development had been from the owners of the Belvoir Shopping Centre. She felt that the application would have a positive impact on the Town Centre and that the site was suitably located near to bus stops and the Council Offices, but she did agree that the blank frontage was a concern.  She advised Members that her main concern related to the County Highways and the monitoring fee that had been requested, which she could not support. She urged Members to support the application.


Mr B Rainford, agent, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that there had been disappointment when the previous application did not go ahead and that the current application would deliver the need for new jobs and more visitors for the town. He informed Members that the applicant was in talks to secure the right retailers and that permission being in place was the last piece. He stated that the application would enhance the area, the design would meet local demands and create the right environment. He urged the Members to support the application.


Councillor J Legrys moved the officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor T Gillard.


Councillor J Legrys stated that it was an excellent application and that it was local people regenerating the area. He raised concerns over the cladding on Hotel Street, suggesting informal discussions to rectify this.  He felt that there was no need for any contributions to be made in relation to the iTRACE monitoring fees.


Councillor T Gillard stated that he agreed with what had been said and that it was great news for the town. He added he would be supporting the recommendation.


Councillor R Adams stated that he would support anything that enhanced the area.


Councillor T Neilson stated that he felt that it would be an excellent development, however he had concerns over the design of the frontage if travelling from High Street and felt that the developer could do better.




The requirement for iTRACE monitoring contribution be removed from the Section 106 agreement


The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Services.