
Issue - decisions

NWLDC Approach to Community Rights

25/11/2014 - NWLDC Approach to Community Rights

The Community Services Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


She informed Members that she was pleased with how the community had responded to the Right to Bid and that the report detailed a range of assets that had been nominated so far.


She advised Members however that the Community Right to Challenge and Community Asset Transfer had not had the same level of interest. She stated that the report contained a new process for considering requests in the future and highlighted that delegated authority was being sought to allow the Director of Services to decide asset transfers on an initial five year lease to test whether or not the arrangement was viable.


It was moved by Councillor A V Smith, seconded by Councillor R D Bayliss and






1.    Approves the Council’s approach to the exercise of community rights in the district;

2.    Delegates authority to the Director of Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to decide community asset transfers on an initial 5 year lease to test viability.


Reason for decision: To provide a framework for Community Rights requests.