
Issue - decisions

Q2 Performance Report

25/11/2014 - 2014/15 Quarter 2 Performance Management Report

The Leader presented the report to Members.


He informed Members that all three benefit performance indicators had exceed targets, 100% satisfaction had been achieved with the Decent Homes works and that it was projected that there would be a significant underspend for the year on the General Fund of £800,000. He highlighted that the absence rate was slightly below target at 3.67 days per full time equivalent employee.


He advised Members that following the launch of the re-designed website he was pleased to report that the number of customers using it to report incidents and request services had increased, and following a quality assessment at Hood Park Leisure Centre the facility was assessed as good overall. He stated that a Head of Partnership had recently been appointed for the Revenues and Benefits service and that customer satisfaction for Development Control remained high at 91%.


Councillor T J Pendleton highlighted that there had been 2 slippages within the Development Control targets, however following the recruitment of the new Head of Regeneration and Planning and other support staff it was hoped that the slippages would be put right.


Councillor T Gillard highlighted that the improvement works to Coalville Market had seen an increase in trading and revenue.


Councillor R D Bayliss highlighted the performance indicators for housing. He stated that in relation to the choice based lettings, bids had to be done online so some residents who did not have access to the internet may find it difficult to bid and that some residents struggled to understand the banding process. In relation to the average re-let times, he advised that  work was being undertaken by the Interim Decent Homes Team Manager, alongside the Director of Housing to assist with returning void properties to use.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor A V Smith and




Cabinet receives and comments on the Quarter 2 Performance Report (July – September 2014).


Reason for decision: The report is provided for members to effectively monitor the organisation’s performance.