
Issue - decisions

Redevelopment of the Pick and Shovel Public House - Coalville Strategic Site

25/11/2014 - Redevelopment of Coalville Strategic Site - The Pick and Shovel Public House

The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He advised Members that this was a good news story that the authority had been waiting for. He informed Members that the proposal would be to demolish the existing building and replace it with a new building containing 14 flats. He added that the investment of up to £500,000 would kick start the development and enable it to go ahead. He also drew attention to the other contribution of £500,000 that the Council had made to local housing associations, which had helped lever in additional investment towards providing 263 homes across the district.


Councillor R Blunt stated that in approving the funding it would assist the Council in hitting three of its targets, those being improvements to the visual impact of the town centre, lowering the housing waiting list and good design.


Councillor A V Smith stated that the proposal would make a huge difference to the crossroads.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and






1)    Notes the affordable housing contributions made to Waterloo Housing Group, Nottingham Community Housing Association and emh homes; and


2)    Agrees to provide up to £500,000 to emh homes to support the redevelopment of the Pick and Shovel Public House, Coalville from money provisionally allocated to  affordable housing schemes at Cabinet’s meeting on 29 July 2014


3)    Delegates to the Director of Housing authority to negotiate and sign a grant agreement with emh homes in consultation with the Portfolio Holder


Reason for decision: To formally provide one-off funding, allocated to supporting affordable housing by Cabinet on 29 July 2014, to emh homes to support affordable housing delivery on a strategic gateway site to Coalville town centre.