
Issue - decisions

General Fund Revenue Budget Proposals 2015/16

25/11/2014 - General Fund Revenue Budget Proposals 2015/16

The Corporate Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He advised Members that the proposals detailed in the report would go out for consultation and would be considered by Policy Development Group in January and it would then be reported back to Cabinet in February to agree a recommendation to Council. He highlighted that there was an underspend forecast of £800,000 due to increases in income from planning fees, recycling and additional New Homes Bonus. He stated that a number of savings had been put in place including reductions in the Revenues and Benefits Partnership contributions and ICT efficiency savings.


He informed Members that it was proposed to use £500,000 of the Value for Money reserve to establish a Business Bidding Fund, and allocate funds from the General Fund reserve to fund additional costs of the Local Plan and additional works to Coalville Market. He also advised that the Council proposed to continue the Local Council Tax Support Scheme Grants to the Town and Parish Councils and that it was intended to freeze Council Tax for a sixth year.


Councillor T J Pendleton advised Members that there had been an unprecedented amount of planning applications submitted recently, but stated that this may not continue. He informed Members that to ease the pressure with the extra applications and to ensure that the Local Plan was produced appropriately extra staffing would be required.


Councillor A V Smith stated that she was very proud of the recycling rate within the district and thanked the residents for their hard work. She highlighted that the income generated was dependent on the market value and that the Council had to get the best price.


Councillor T Gillard informed Members that the money that had been spent on Coalville Market had been received well. He stated that the traders were happy and that they had seen an increase in footfall.


Councillor R D Bayliss advised Members that the Revenues and Benefits Partnership had now been going for four years and that it had maintained costs, but was now starting to show savings following the review.


Councillor R Blunt stated that there were concerns about how the partnership would work and that it was observed that savings were not always made straight away.


It was moved by Councillor N J Rushton, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and






1.    Approves the General Fund Revenue Budget proposals as set out in this report;

2.    Approves the allocations of resources from reserves detailed in section 5; and

3.    Agrees in principle to continuing the payment of LCTS Grants to Town and Parish councils subject to confirmation by Cabinet when it sets the Council Tax base in January 2015.


Reason for decision: To enable the Council to set a balanced budget as required by law.