
Issue - decisions

Affordable Warmth Strategy 2014-2017

25/11/2014 - Updated Affordable Warmth Strategy 2014 - 2017

The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He stated that the report spoke for itself and that the Council, as landlord, had an obligation to ensure that homes were secure against all weather conditions and heated sufficiently. He reminded Cabinet that at Council he had provided Members with an update on the Green and Decent Homes Pilot Scheme. He advised that the strategy would be monitored to prevent people from falling into fuel poverty.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and 




Cabinet agrees the implementation of the revised Affordable Warmth Strategy


Reason for decision: This report is provided for Members to inform them of Affordable Warmth and Fuel Poverty nationally and how this affects North West Leicestershire.