
Issue - decisions

Tenant Scrutiny Panel Update and Revised Terms of Reference

25/11/2014 - Tenant Scrutiny Panel - Amendment to Terms of Reference

The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He welcomed Ms Janet Higgins, Chairperson of the panel to the meeting. He highlighted the background of the panel and advised Members that during the first year the panel had identified a number of areas within the Terms of Reference that were inappropriate for the function of a scrutiny body. He informed Members that the panel had worked with the contractors to iron out any issues with the work that had been done to tenants properties, leaving out the middleman and would recommend the model to other councils. He congratulated the Chairperson and panel members on the work they had done so far.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and




Cabinet approves the implementation of the proposed revised Tenant Scrutiny Panel terms of reference as detailed in appendix b.


Reason for decision: The Tenant Scrutiny Panel propose amendments to the Panel’s Terms of Reference.