
Issue - decisions

Q4 Cabinet Performance Report

02/07/2014 - 2013/14 Quarter 4 Performance Report Management Report

The Leader asked the Chief Executive to present the report to Members.


She highlighted to Members that the sickness rate to the end of quarter 4 was 7.36 days, which was under the target of 7.5 days for the year and was a 17% reduction compared to 2012/13. She advised Members that the accounts were still being finalised and that this information would be reported to Members at the next meeting. She stated that the new website was live and ready to be launched, enabling residents to access some services 24/7 without having to telephone and that the new waste management software had been installed which would lead to an improved and efficient customer service.


Councillor R Blunt congratulated the Chief Executive and Officers on the good news that had been highlighted.


Councillor T Gillard informed Members that he had attended both the Business Place Events and they had been very well received.


Councillor R D Bayliss referred to the delivery of the decent homes improvements and advised that the number of improvements that had been completed was 1634 against a target of 1560.


Councillor T J Pendleton advised Members that development control was still slightly below target which was due to the high volume of applications that had been received and the team not being fully staffed. He went on to add that all vacancies had now been filled. He also highlighted to Members the acknowledgement the authority had received at a Building for Life 12 event for developing and testing the new scheme, and that two schemes in the District had received design awards under the new scheme.


Councillor A V Smith informed Members that the number of GP referrals had fallen over the quarter, however the target had still been achieved and the scheme continued to be recognised as best practice within the county. She also highlighted that the recycling target had been met and that 78 new trade waste contracts had been secured during the year.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor A V Smith and




The Quarter 4 Performance Report (January – March 2014) be received and noted.


Reason for decision: The report is provided for members to effectively monitor the organisation’s performance.