Agenda item

Agenda item

Community Engagement Strategy

Report of the Head of Community Services


The Head of Community Services presented the report to Members.  He advised that there had been a request from Members in 2012 to review the Community Engagement Strategy, however as the strategy had just been introduced at that time, it was felt that it would be appropriate for some time to pass before reviewing the strategy.  He suggested that the two key areas for review were the strategy itself, and considering from a Member perspective what had worked well and what hadn’t in terms of consultation. 


Councillor J G Coxon sought clarification on how long the review was likely to take given the elections in May.


The Head of Community Services proposed that the first meeting be held on 22 October.  There would be two further meetings, however the timing of these would be dependent upon the outcome of the first meeting.


Councillor S Sheahan asked if there would be any provision to engage with residents and ask them if what the Council was doing was fit for purpose for them.


The Head of Community Services advised that the Community Engagement Strategy intended to set out how the Council would undertake consultations.  He added that each service area had ongoing consultations and individual people with whom they consulted, and as such it may be difficult to obtain a reflective sample from all groups.  He suggested that a representative sample could be considered and this could be discussed at the first meeting of the group.


Councillor S Sheahan commented that it made sense to make sure that people were happy with the process if the Council was expecting them to engage.


Councillor R Adams expressed concerns that the working party might not be concluded by the elections in May, which could affect the make-up of the group.


The Head of Community Services advised that Members could decide to delay the review if they wished to do so.  He explained that the rules of political balance did not apply to task and finish groups, however he felt it would be prudent to have a representative from both parties.


Councillor N Smith suggested that the review should not be delayed.  In terms of the membership he suggested that there be 3 Conservative Members and 2 Labour Members.


The Chairman commented that he did not see that this should be a political group, however he felt it did require a mix of Members.


Councillor D Howe commented that he believed tenants in North West Leicestershire were more involved than any in the country and there were a lot of tenants who were interested.


The Head of Community Services welcomed this feedback and commented that he would be happy to pick this up as part of the report.  He added that if there were no suggestions made where consultation had not worked well, issues would be reported from an officer perspective.


The Chairman sought volunteers to sit on the group.


Councillor R Adams commented that 5 Members was only a recommendation.  He suggested there should be 4 Members and that there should be 2 from each party.


Councillor M Specht commented that the suggestion of having 2 Members from each group was ideal and he felt that 3 meetings of the group could be achieved before the elections in May.


The Chairman advised any interested parties to put forward their names to the Head of Community Services within the next 7 days.




4 Members be nominated for the Community Engagement Task and Finish Group.

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