Declarations > Agenda item

Agenda item

Recycle More Update

Report of the Head of Community Services


The Head of Community Services presented the report to Members, with the support of Councillor A Woodman, Portfolio Holder, who also addressed the meeting.


The Waste Services Development Officer and the Recycle More Officer gave a presentation to Members highlighting the current progress and future aspirations of the Recycle More Programme.


Members were pleased with the work achieved so far and spoke positively in relation to the trials for the stackable wheeled container system and food waste.  The following comments were made:


-      It was suggested that the kerbside collection of textiles be promoted further as the temporary closure of charity shops and recycling points could lead to more fly tipping.


-      Regard was given to the promotion of commercial recycling, but it was felt that there should not be a charge as it was discouraging businesses to recycle.  It was also suggested that steps be taken to introduce the recycling food waste collection to businesses as well as residential.  The Head of Community Services explained that the charge for commercial recycling collections was not for profit but to cover costs and there was currently no intention to offer the service for free.


-      Regard was given to the cost involved in recycling paint tins, wood and building waste.  A Member asked if it would be possible to consider allowing businesses to deliver waste to a site for free rather than pay for it to be collected.  The Head of Community Services reported that the plan going forward was to engage more with businesses and then all options could be considered, he also reminded Members that commercial businesses could still take their recycling waste to refuse sites.


-      Comments were made on the current booking system in place for the refuse sites in the district.  The Head of Community Services reminded Members that refuse sites were run by Leicestershire County Council and reported that he was aware that the booking system would be reviewed in the Spring.


-      Several concerns were raised in relation to the possible reduction in size and collection frequency of the general waste bins in the future.  It was recognised that families with young children would find this proposal difficult, especially if they did not have access to the equipment required for reusable nappies.  It was also raised that the residents in the district with solid fuel heating would also struggle due to the amount of waste ash created.  Members felt that the food waste collection should be fully established before consideration was given to any reduction in the collection of general waste.  Members were assured that this was a future decision and one that would not be taken lightly.


-      Officers were congratulated on the very successful campaign working with young people to officially name the refuse vehicles.


-      Concerns were raised in relation to the possible introduction of a charge for additional garden waste bins, it was felt that this could lead to more fly tipping.


-      In relation to the proposed introduction of an app to provide residents with bin collection information, some Members asked that officers bear in mind that not all residents had access to a smart phone.  A Member requested that the bin tag distributed annually at Christmas time regarding collections remain as it was very useful.


It was moved by Councillor B Harrison-Rushton, seconded by Councillor K Merrie and by affirmation of the meeting it was




(1)    The progress made with the Recycle More Plan to date be noted.


(2)    Comments made by the Committee be provided to Cabinet when it considers the item at its meeting on 2 March 2021.



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