Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Policy and Conditions

The report of the Environmental Health Team Manager


The Environmental Health Team Manager presented the report.


The report outlined the results of a consultation of private hire drivers and changes in policy to a number of areas including age of vehicles, emission standards, safeguarding, and in-vehicle equipment. He also confirmed the timings of when proposed changes to conditions would come into effect as set out on page 11 of the report.


In response to a question from Councillor N Smith, the Environmental Health Team Manager confirmed that the impact of policy changes on taxis are measured by recording the percentage that pass a depot inspection at the first attempt. He also informed the committee that this is currently at 76.9% which was the best it had been since the Licensing Team started recording this in 2016 and in some months, this had even reached the mid-eighties.


In response to a series of questions from Councillors M Wyatt, D Everitt and Smith; the Environmental Health Team Manager and Licensing Team Leader confirmed the stance of the Licensing Team on tinted windows. As set out on page 32 of the Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Policy Hackney Carriage Vehicle Conditions of Licence attached as Appendix 1 of the Environmental Health Team Manager’s report.


In response to a question from Councillor V Richichi, the Licensing Team Leader confirmed that outside of renewals and regular checks, vehicles were periodically spot checked but there were limits set in legislation as to how many times this could be carried out in a year. He also stated that his report in item 5 provided several examples of spot checks over the Christmas period and at hotspots such as airports and festivals.


In response to questions from Councillors S Sheahan and T Eynon, the Licensing Team Leader confirmed that for vehicles aged under 6 years inspections took place annually after initial registration, which included a full mechanical and visual inspection, and for vehicles older than 6 years inspections would be every 6 months after initial registration. Furthermore, the Environmental Health Team Manager clarified that the required standards for vehicles undergoing inspection were the same for all vehicles regardless of age at the point of initial registration.


In response to several questions from Councillor M Hay, the Environmental Health Team Manager stated that he believed the proposals in the report presented a fair balance between the need to further improve standards and needs of drivers trying to make a living. He also observed that the aim of the Licensing Team was not to penalise drivers for having older vehicles, especially those that could be retrofitted to improve emission standards. He also identified the move to Euro 5 engines or equivalent engines as an example of the Licensing Team’s efforts towards improving air quality.


In response to a question Councillor A C Saffell, the Licensing Team Leader confirmed that taxis received a visual inspection at the Council Offices before going forward to a depot inspection at both the point of being registered and at renewals. He explained this was a chance to inspect cleanliness and other non-mechanical issues and second chances were offered to ensure drivers kept their vehicles to an acceptable standard.


Councillor Richichi then spoke in support of the officer’s proposals and observed that, in his experience as a mechanic, taxis in the District were of a high standard. He also stated that if drivers were made to upgrade to newer vehicles this would impact customers in the form of higher fares to meet additional drivers’ costs.


In response to a question from Councillor Saffell, the Environmental Health Team Manager confirmed that there was currently a Tesla registered as a taxi and presented information on the vehicle in question. He also confirmed the Licensing Team were acting to encourage further use of electric vehicles by offering a 15% reduction in licensing fees, and also working with Community Focus to explore offering grants to those drivers wishing to switch to electric or lower emission vehicles.


A discussion then ensued on the need for more charging points in the District and the ways this could be achieved moving forward.


Councillor Saffell observed that the report was one of best he had read for some time and commended the officers for their efforts.


It was proposed by Councillor J Clarke, seconded by Councillor V Richichi and




A)   The draft Hackney Carriage Vehicle Policy and Conditions be approved


B)   The draft Private Hire Vehicle Policy and Conditions be approved


C)   Amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Policy and conditions to reflect changes in legislation and central government policy is delegated to the Environmental Health Team Manager following consultation with the Portfolio Holder



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