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Agenda item

Proposed Article 4 Direction - Kegworth Houses in Multiple Occupation

Report of the Strategic Director of Place

Presented by the Planning and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder


The Planning and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He advised that Councillors B Harrison-Rushton and C Sewell, along with Kegworth Parish Council had expressed concerns regarding the high concentration of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in the village, and the negative impact they were having on its character, well-being and housing profile.  Therefore, it has been requested that the District Council consider issuing an Article 4 Direction to manage the creation of new small HMOs which could be set up without planning permission.  The Article 4 Direction would remove certain permitted development rights, which would mean that a small HMO would require planning permission.


It was noted that officers had not been able to identify any demonstrable evidence to link amenity issues directly to HMOs but it was clear that there was a clear concentration of such properties in the village, representing approximately 10 percent of all properties in the village.  This largely, although not exclusively, seemed to relate to students who attended the nearby Nottingham University Campus at Sutton Bonnington.  As the university intended to increase the student numbers, the concern was that the demand would also increase the need for HMOs and would take properties out of the family housing market.


He explained that there were two types of Direction; an immediate Direction, which would come into place immediately or a non-immediate Direction, which would come into place between 12 and 24 months.  He referred Members to section eight of the report which highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of both.  The Portfolio Holder recommended that a non-immediate Direction be used to come into force after 12 months.  He felt it would reinforce the intention of the Council to protect the mix of housing in Kegworth. 


It was noted that Councillor C Sewell had originally submitted a question on the matter to Cabinet but as the item was being considered at the meeting, it had been withdrawn.


Councillor R Blunt acknowledged that the current amount of HMOs had changed the social composition of Kegworth with an increasing transient population.


Councillor A Woodman raised the concerns from the Chairman of Kegworth Parish Council that HMO properties would not be required to pay the Parish Council Tax precept.  He believed this was a matter currently being looked at on a national level.


It was moved by Councillor R Ashman, seconded by Councillor Blunt and




1.      The making of a Non-Immediate Article 4 Direction to be applied to the village of Kegworth to remove permitted development rights for the change of use of a dwelling house (C3 use) to small Houses in Multiple Occupation (C4 use) be approved.


2.      The Non-Immediate Article 4 Direction to be brought into force after 12 months.


3.      Notice of the Non-Immediate Article  Direction be publicised for a period of at least six weeks to allow members of the public to submit comments on the proposals.


4.      At the end of the representation period, a further report be brought to Cabinet to consider any comments received and to decide whether to confirm the Non-Immediate Article 4 Direction.


Reason for decision: In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, making an Article 4 Direction fall within the remit of Cabinet.



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