Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

General Fund and Special Expenses Revenue Budget Proposals for 2020/21

Report of the Strategic Director of Housing and Customer Services

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder


The Head of Finance presented the report to Members.


She advised Members of the Section 151 assurances and the recommendations to Council to amend the General Fund fees and charges, the General Fund and Special Expenses Revenue budgets for the next financial year, the freeze of the District’s share of council tax and the transfer of budgeted surplus to the self-sufficiency fund.  Members were informed that the public consultation on the budget proposals had concluded earlier that day and any comments received since the report had been published were included in the additional papers. 


The Head of Finance made Members aware of a report being considered by Council in February in relation to the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recent recommendations to amend Members Allowances.  This would have a financial impact on both the HRA and General Fund, and would be factored into the final budget report to Council. 


To conclude, the Head of Finance highlighted the changes to the precept increases for the Special Expenses area following the confirmation of the council tax base in January.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor R D Bayliss and




1.      The Assurance Statement by the Section 151 Officer be noted.




2.      The amendment to the General Fund fees and charges as detailed at Appendix B be approved.


3.      The General Fund Revenue Budget for 2020/21 as summarised at Appendix C be approved.


4.      The Special Expenses Revenue Budget for 2019/20 as summarised at Appendix D be approved.


5.      The District Council’s share of Council Tax be frozen in 2020/21.


6.      The budgeted surplus income over the expenditure in 2020/21 be transferred to the Self-Sufficiency Reserve.


Reason for decision: To enable the Council to set a balanced budget for 2020/21 as required by statute.


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