Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

Local Plan Review - Area of Separation study

Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Infrastructure



The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report to members, highlighting the study undertaken by The Landscape Partnership, which was attached at appendices B and C.  He explained that the study would form part of the Council’s evidence base to support the substantive review of the local plan. 


Councillor J Legrys fully supported the recommendations but asked how the proposed dualing of Stephenson Way would affect the plan.  The Planning Policy Team Manager commented that until details were received it was difficult to say.  Councillor J Legrys raised concerns that the Committee were agreeing a plan that could change, and the fact that the new leisure centre was not included.  He also expressed his annoyance that the ordnance survey maps still included the railway line that was not in use and formed an important part of the nature reserve.


Councillor D Bigby referred to the three proposed areas of separation as indicated in the Ashby Neighbourhood Plan, which was rejected by the Planning Inspector because it was not supported by sufficient evidence and was outside the plan area.  Therefore, he suggested that other areas of separation be considered, particularly those proposed in Ashby.  The Planning Policy Team Manager explained how areas of separation were considered and reminded members that that the area between Coalville and Whitwick was unique as it was within an otherwise built up area.


Councillor R Johnson raised concerns about his village of Hugglescote losing its identity and asked if there were plans to look at possible areas of separation in the near future.  The Planning Policy Team Manager responded that officers would look at an area if a suggestion was put forward.


Councillor D Bigby appreciated the comments from the Planning Policy Team Manager but asked if officers could look into Policy S3 to see if it was possible make any changes to protect these areas between towns and villages. The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that the policy already did this.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor V Richichi and




a)     The outcome of the area of separation study be noted.


b)     It be noted that the area of separation study form part of the Council’s evidence base to support the Local Plan Substantive Review.



As agreed earlier in the meeting, an informal discussion was had regarding the Strategic Growth Plan.  Councillor A C Saffell expressed concerns about the sites identified for housing in and around Castle Donington as they were very close to the racetrack and the airport.  He also had concerns that the houses being built in the area were too expensive for the people that were working in the area.   As a result of these concerns he raised a suggestion for a new town to be created, on a site just outside of Castle Donington which could be made up of more affordable houses created by a company such as Rent Plus.  He believed this would be a suitable solution for the growing workforce in the area and asked for an item on a future agenda for a full discussion.


Councillor J Legrys agreed with the proposal for a future item, as he would be happy to debate the principle but stated that it was also important to have discussions with neighbouring authorities.  The Chair asked officers to investigate the options available and report to a future meeting. 


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