Agenda item

Agenda item

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Announcements

Members are reminded that under paragraph 11.1 of part 4 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members without notice about any matter contained in any address.  Questions shall be limited to five minutes in total for each announcement.


Councillor A V Smith referred to the mini Tornado that hit Coalville on Sunday 2 November at around 7.30am.  She stated that the freak weather system had caused some significant damage to the precinct in the town centre and houses and properties in the surrounding streets in a very short space of time.  She added that staff were on the scene very quickly with street cleansing, the Forward Liaison Manager and Building Control.  She reported that staff were liaising with the Police and County Highways and putting out communications via twitter and the website by mid morning.  She expressed thanks to the staff who had been quick to respond when residents needed them and also to the local ward members who were also out reporting issues and helping residents with the aftermath and clean up.


Councillor A V Smith announced that she had the great pleasure of attending an Environmental Awards event yesterday on the back of an innovative Give and Gain event which our Community Focus team had organised earlier in the year.  She stated that the event brought together local businesses with local community groups with the aim of joining up community needs with local businesses.  She advised that the event had proved very to be successful with a number of businesses offering their support to a number of community groups and also developing relationships for the future.  She reported that this Give and Gain initiative had been entered into the Environmental Awards called the Green Apple Awards.  She added that the Council had previously won a Regional Silver in 2009 and a National Silver in 2010, and she announced that yesterday the Council had won National Gold.  She thanked staff for their innovative ideas and bringing these to reality for the benefit of local communities.


Councillor J Legrys expressed his personal thanks to the staff who had attended the site of the tornado.  He added that as a town centre resident, he had felt and heard the storm although his own home was not affected.  He commented that the scene was devastating, although it was good to see neighbours helping one another.  He added that Ward Members had attended and went into homes to assess the damage.  He expressed thanks to the Highways staff who were on the scene very quickly and helping residents.  He commented that there were some issues in respect of the resilience plan, particularly with regard to engaging with building control.


Councillor R Johnson stated that he concurred with Councillors J Legrys and A V Smith.  He commented that he had been called out to visit residents as part of Gutteridge Street was in his Ward.  He added that this was the second incident within his Ward and staff were on the ball.  He added that one good thing about the tornado was that officers were still helping residents.


The Chairman asked Councillor R Johnson to conclude as the five minute time period for Members to speak in respect of announcements had almost elapsed and Councillor N Clarke had indicated that he wished to speak.


Councillor N Clarke expressed congratulations in respect of the Green Apple Award and thanked officers for their hard work.


Councillor T J Pendleton referred to the tour of development sites which had taken place on 10 October and stated that he was pleased that a number of Members had been able to participate.  He advised that a number of sites had been visited and Members had learned how much activity was taking place.  He commented that good quality design was making a real difference and he felt that the Council could be proud of the places it was beginning to produce.  He added that there were 4 schemes in the district that had received Built for Life awards.  He stated that he hoped to ensure Members would have a further opportunity to take part in a similar initiative.


Councillor T J Pendleton announced that at the last Planning Committee, Members had voted unanimously in favour of a new retail scheme at the Ford Garage site that would transform this part of Coalville.  He added that the scheme had been promoted by a local developer and was a good example of local people giving back to the community.  He commended the Members of the Planning Committee for their positive attitude towards this development and he felt sure that the new scheme would help bring shoppers to Coalville.


Councillor M Specht commented that the tour of development sites had been a fruitful exercise and had been very well organised.  He added that it provided an excellent opportunity for Members of the Planning Committee to see completed developments.  He stated that he had expressed concerns in respect of where the occupiers of new developments were coming from, however he had been reassured that local needs housing was being provided for local residents.  He commented that there were some brilliant schemes.


Councillor J Legrys commented that the tour of development sites had been positive, however he requested that for future events, some less successful sites should be visited to help Members learn from previous mistakes.  He added that he was critical of the lack of affordable housing in the district and he wanted to see this rectified as soon as possible.  He commented that the Ford Garage site was a win-win for the community, and this had to be supported along with other initiatives coming forward from the local community.  He added that developers failing to deliver their promises created a cynical society.  In respect of the built environment, he commented that some of the dwellings that were being built might be attractive, but they were very small inside.  He added that the minimum size of homes needed to be considered as well as the size of garages.