Agenda item

Agenda item

Local Plan Timetable

Report of the Director of Services.


The Director of Services presented the report to Members, drawing their attention to the indicative timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan and the influencing factors thereon as set out in the report.  He referred to the debate on the previous item, which in itself was a significant influencing factor, as it would be difficult to conclude the assessment without agreeing the figures.  He highlighted the timetable set out at Appendix A, which indicated potential adoption in December 2016.


Councillor J Legrys referred to page 4 of the minutes and felt that the Council should be conscious of the timing of the consultation, as the first part took place in July and August, when many Parish Councils and community groups would be closed for the summer holidays.  He accepted the need to commence the consultation however he felt that the timing was unfortunate and the Council would be castigated for trying to consult in July and August.  He welcomed advice on how this problem could be overcome as the manner in which the consultation would take place had not yet been agreed.


Councillor J Bridges reiterated the need for the consultation to commence as soon as possible.


The Planning Policy and Business Focus Team Manager explained that one of the reasons for starting the consultation sooner was the number of events taking place over the next few weeks, such as Picnic in the Park.  He explained that these events had been seen as an opportunity to engage with people and raise the profile of the consultation.  He added that the consultation period was not statutory and could be extended, however this could have a knock-on effect.


Councillor J Bridges stated that he had taken on board Councillor J Legrys’ comments and recommended that the first period of consultation be extended.  He reiterated the need for caution in respect of the timescales.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he thoroughly supported promotion at large events and asked that all Members be made aware so that they could assist.  In respect of the Statement of Community Involvement, he felt that agreement needed to be reached on how this was going to be done and there should be significantly more involvement of Councillors in this process.  He expressed concerns regarding the timing of the consultation in January to March, and added that officers needed to be aware of work that would be taking place during purdah.


Councillor R D Bayliss stated that the usual business of the Council had to continue and added that this was a broadly non-political issue.


Councillor S Sheahan stated that it was originally indicated that this process would be concluded much more quickly.  He sought clarification on the reasons for this.


The Director of Services advised that the original intention had been to resubmit the Core Strategy at the earliest opportunity, which would have been a different timescale.  He explained that the advice from the Consultant had led the Advisory Committee to consider preparing a Local Plan rather than resubmitting the Core Strategy.  He clarified that the preparation of a Local Plan required this timescale in order to be robust.


The Consultant added that the proposed timescale was quite usual and this would need to be followed in order to produce a robust plan that would be found sound.  He added that the purdah period would have to be factored in and he would not advise that the process be expedited.


Councillor R Woodward agreed that work needed to commence.  He referred to the lack of a five year housing land supply which allowed developers to submit speculative applications.  He felt the process needed to conclude faster.


The Director of Services agreed that speed was needed, however it would not be a good use of time to rush unnecessarily and find that work needed to be repeated.  He stressed the importance of getting the Local Plan right first time.  He added that in the meantime, once the SHMA figures were accepted and agreed, this would have an impact on the five year housing land supply, as would any subsequent decisions at Planning Committee.  He stated that the position in respect of the five year housing land supply would be closely monitored.  He explained that an Inspector would take into account the fact that a timescale was in place, and any other protection currently afforded to sites such as the green wedge would remain under the existing Local Plan.  He envisaged that the Council would continue to protect those types of sites.  He referred to the previous appeal in respect of the green wedge and added that a similar approach would be taken should that situation arise in future.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor R Woodward and




a)     The suggested timetable for producing the Local Plan be noted.


b)     The dates for future meetings of the Local Plan Advisory Committee be noted.

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